
  • 网络South Pacific;southern pacific;the south pacific ocean;southern pacific ocean
  1. 法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。

    France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific .

  2. 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写。

    He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset .

  3. 他在南太平洋参加过战斗。

    He saw action in the South Pacific .

  4. 厄尔尼诺现象,在西班牙语中意为"圣婴",发生在南太平洋表层海水变得异常温暖的时候。

    El Nino , Spanish for " the child " , occurs when surface ocean waters in the southern Pacific become abnormally warm .

  5. 瓦努阿图是南太平洋的一个岛国。

    Vanuatu is an island nation in the South Pacific .

  6. 南太平洋地区经济贸易合作协定

    South Pacific Regional Trade Economic Cooperation Agreement

  7. 他往西走上杜瑞街,穿越南太平洋铁路,来到G街,然后再往南走。

    He turned west on Tulare Street , crossing the Southern Pacific tracks , reached G Street , then turned south .

  8. 开边界对于10°N以南太平洋吸收和贮存人为CO2有很大影响。

    The open boundary has a significant impact on the uptake and storage of anthropogenic CO_2 in the area south of 10 ° N.

  9. 与南太平洋SST的年代际变化相比,南印度洋SST的变化周期要相对短一些。

    The interdecadal variability of SST has shorter periods over the South Indian Ocean than over the South Pacific Ocean .

  10. 2012年,当凯特王妃和威廉王子夫妇参加南太平洋女王钻石庆典(DiamondJubilee)海外之行时,王妃一丝不乱的发型一度成为媒体焦点。

    When Kate Middleton and Prince William went on their Diamond Jubilee South Pacific tour in 2012 , her humidity-proof hair made headlines .

  11. 尽管唯一化石标本是在西伯利亚山上发现的,来自美拉尼西亚(南太平洋的一个地区)的当代人是最有可能保留丹尼索瓦人dna的。

    Even though the sole fossil specimen was found in the mountains of Siberia , contemporary humans from Melanesia ( a region in the South Pacific ) seem to be the most likely to harbor denisovan DNA .

  12. 并在此基础上,初步讨论了南太平洋SSTA与重庆地区降水异常的遥相关关系;

    Furthermore , the teleconnection relationship between SSTA of south pacific and rainfall anomaly in ChongQing is analyzed .

  13. 南太平洋降水中MSA的纬度分布及其分解的气温敏感性

    Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature

  14. v.往返航行;海上巡弋假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。

    cruise If I were rich , I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht .

  15. Kings高速花了不到50天就竣工了,建海堤用了不到30天,建南太平洋体育场,泳池,运动场地用了不到1个月!

    Kings Highway took less then 50 days to finish . Buiding a seawall took less then 30 days , building the South Pacific Games Stadium , Pool , Tracks and field less then a month !

  16. 根据澳大利亚智库罗维学院(LowyInstitute)的数据,中国对南太平洋地区的援助和软贷款已从2005年的大约2300万美元,增至目前的每年大约2亿美元。

    According to the Lowy Institute , Chinese aid and soft loans to the South Pacific increased from about $ 23m in 2005 to a current annual figure of about $ 200m .

  17. 根据智库洛伊研究所(LowyInstitute)的研究,澳大利亚仍是南太平洋地区的最大外援提供国,但中国正在澳大利亚视为后院的地区挑战澳大利亚的影响力。

    Australia is the biggest donor of foreign aid in the South Pacific but China is challenging its influence in a region it regards as its back yard , according to research by the Lowy Institute think-tank .

  18. 日本旋风(太平洋的台风和大西洋的飓风)通常生成于南太平洋,它经常搭乘的正是那股把环球航行者沿日本东海岸送往旧金山的急流&台风盟军(TyphoonAlly)。

    Japanese cyclones typhoons in the Pacific , hurricanes in the Atlantic are normally spawned in the South Pacific and often travel up the same jet stream Typhoon ally that sent pioneering Circumnavigators along the east coast of Japan toward San Francisco .

  19. TemuWaqanivalu医生是世界卫生组织驻斐济首都苏瓦南太平洋办公室的工作人员。

    Dr. Temu Waqanivalu is with the World Health Organization 's South Pacific office in Suva , Fiji .

  20. 他亲自挑选了一组队员,驾驶一架B-17型“空中堡垒”,飞越南太平洋。

    With a hand picked crew in a B-17 , a " Flying Fortress " he set off across the South Pacific .

  21. 斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加(Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)南部。

    The Republic of the Fiji Islands , or Fiji , is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean , east of Vanuatu , west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

  22. Artocarpusaltilis(Parkinson)Fosberg(Moraceae)原产于东南亚、新几内亚、南太平洋等地区,富含黄酮类化合物。

    Artocarpus altilis ( Parkinson ) Fosberg , an exceptionally rich source of flavonoids , is native to South East Asia , New Guinea , and South Pacific Ocean Island .

  23. EOF的第二模态体现了陆地地形对南极绕极流的约束作用,同时也显示了ENSO过程对南极绕极流,特别是对南太平洋的海面高度变化的影响。

    The second EOF not only describes the influences of the land of three continents to the north on the sea surface height variability , but also shows that the ENSO has a notable influence on ACC , especially in the south Pacific sector .

  24. 而在南太平洋,不稳定区的面积较小,且主要局限于海盆东侧,因而传播较弱,这样就造成了ENSO信号在太平洋南、北半球的非对称传播。

    While in the South Pacific , the area with instability is much smaller and mainly confined in the eastern part , which weakens ENSO signal propagation in the South Pacific . An asymmetric propagation of ENSO-related oceanic anomaly exists between the South Pacific and the North Pacific .

  25. 最后提出自己的看法:只考虑北太平洋PDO信号是没有构成回路的,实际上北太平洋的PDO冷、暖期的交替可能是对南太平洋闭合回路的一种反应。

    We propose an idea that the only considering of the PDO signature in North Pacific is not a close loop , and the transition between PDO cold and warm phases in North Pacific is actually a response to the close loop of South Pacific .

  26. MauPiailug生长在西太平洋密克罗尼西亚,并不知道南太平洋塔希提岛的风是什么样子的,可是他在脑子里有个塔希提的映像,他知道只要朝着那个映像走,就不会迷路。

    As a Micronesian he did not know the waters or the winds round Tahiti , far south-east . But he had an image of Tahiti in his head . He knew that if he aimed for that image , he would not get lost . And he never did .

  27. 这架道格拉斯DC-3飞行器于1943年建造,是1961~1963年新西兰南太平洋航线最早投入使用的三架飞机之一;1971年,她被重新命名,并用作施肥机;最终于1984年退役。

    The plane , a Douglas DC-3 aircraft , was built in 1943 and was one of three used by New Zealand 's South Pacific Airlines from 1961 to 1966.In 1971 it was renamed and used as a top-dressing plane , before being decommissioned in 1984 .

  28. 根据热带西太平洋卫星云图资料及流场特征分析,讨论了南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)的演变特征和形成机理。

    In this paper , the variation characteristics and the formation mechanism of the South Pacific Convergence zone ( SPCZ ) are discussed , based on the analysis of satellite cloud pictures and the streamline fields over the tropical western Pacific Ocean .

  29. 南太平洋无核区条约(拉罗通加条约)

    South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty ( Treaty of Rarotonga )

  30. 南太平洋农业研究、推广和训练所

    South Pacific Institute for Research , Extension and Training in Agriculture