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nán wēn dài
  • the south temperate zone
南温带 [nán wēn dài]
  • [the South Temperate Zone] 位于南回归线与南极圈之间的温带

南温带[nán wēn dài]
  1. 新西兰地处南温带,属海洋性气候,没有严冬和酷署。

    Lying within the South Temperate Zone , New Zealand has an oceanic climate , without extremes of heat or cold .

  2. 南半球温带地区的国家应保持警戒。

    Countries in temperate parts of the southern hemisphere should remain vigilant .

  3. 北半球和南美洲温带地区一个一年至多年生禾本科植物的属;大麦。

    Annual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America : barley .

  4. 黑垆土作为1个独立的土类,在内蒙古自治区南部温带地区分布有其特殊意义。

    The HeiLu soil which distrubuted in the southern warm zone of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has special significance as an independent soil type .

  5. 分布在北美洲与南美洲温带地区的一种鸢(螺鸢),常常以小群出游,以捕蜗牛为生。

    A kite ( Rostrhamus sociabilis ) of the warm parts of North and South America that usually travels in small flocks preying on snails .

  6. 在南半球温带地区,各国未发现流感活动增至超出流行阈值的程度或出现过早流感活动。

    In temperate zones of the Southern Hemisphere , countries are not reporting increases in influenza activity above epidemic thresholds , or unusually early influenza activity .

  7. 南半球的温带地区也有偶发的甲流病例,但并无大范围蔓延迹象。

    In temperate regions of the southern hemisphere , sporadic cases of pandemic influenza continued to be reported without evidence of sustained community transmission .

  8. 以翅果油树为建群种形成的群落,是山西南部暖温带落叶阔叶林地带低山丘陵区的代表植被类型之一。

    The community composed of Elaeagnus mollis as the constructive species is one of the typical vegetation types in the hills and lower-mountains of southern of Shanxi .