
suì chā
  • precession of the equinoxes;equation of equinoxes
岁差 [suì chà]
  • [precession of the equinoxes] 地轴绕着一条通过地球中心而又垂直于黄道面的轴线的缓慢圆锥运动,周期为26000年,由太阳、月球和其他行星对地球赤道隆起物的吸引力所造成;结果是春分点逐渐向西移动

岁差[suì chā]
  1. 然后他解释分点岁差。

    He then accounts for the precession of the equinoxes .

  2. 这是由于岁差现象所导致。

    It is due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes .

  3. 刚体地球CIP轴的极移和岁差章动

    Polar migration and nutation of CIP axis of rigid earth

  4. 由此对CIP轴进行了理论定义,并给出了其极移、岁差和章动的动力学方程。

    Therefore , the theoretical definition of CIP and its dynamical equation on polar motion and precession-nutation have been given .

  5. 在各阶潮汐力矩的作用下,得到CIP轴岁差章动的表达式。

    Under the effect of every order tidal moment , the expression of precession and nutation for the CIP axis is presented .

  6. 为此,在基于VLBI资料解算ERP高频变化时,建议采用直接求解模式,并考虑岁差章动模型偏差的影响。

    In the solution of high frequency variation of ERP from VLBI observations , the direct solution mode with the consideration of the pole offsets is accordingly recommended .

  7. 岁差常数改正及FK5和Hipparcos自行系统

    Precessional Correction and the Proper-Motion Systems of FK5 and Hipparcos

  8. 通过推导发现,奇数阶引潮力位产生的岁差章动力矩使得黄经章动和交角章动出现了异向项(即:黄经章动出现了cos项,交角章动出现了sin项)。

    Theoretical deduction shows that precession-nutation moment induced by odd order tidal generating potential causes out of phases of longitude and obliquity nutation ( namely , there are cos term in longitude nutation , but sin term in obliquity nutation ) .

  9. 同时无法用VLBI及LLR所测定的岁差改正值来解释FK5与依巴谷自行系统的关系。

    Proper-motion differences between the FK5 and Hipparcos systems cannot be explained by the constant of the FK5 precessional correction , which is given by the VLBI and LLR observations .

  10. 本文讨论FK5、新岁差常数,新章动理论的采用引起测时测纬结果的变化。

    In this paper , the changes in time and latitude determinations caused by using FK5 , new astronomical constants , new nutation series are discussed .

  11. 日长变化是表征地球自转运动的一个重要参数,它与极移、岁差和章动统称为地球定向参数(EOP)。

    Length of Day ( LOD ) change is an important parameter which reflects the earth rotation . LOD change 、 Polar Motion ( PM )、 Precession and Nutation are called Earth Orientation Parameters ( EOP ) .

  12. 地轴倾角周期和岁差周期引起的地层旋回厚度变化范围分别为254~43m和123~191m。

    The thickness ranges of sedimentary cycles caused by the eccentricity cycle , the obliquity cycle and the precession cycle are respective 8.72 ~ 11.29 m , 2.54 ~ 4.3 m and 1.23 ~ 1.91 m.

  13. 针对地面FK5和空间依巴谷自行系统,采用银河系运动学分析方法发现,即使考虑了岁差改正的影响,两种自行系统之间仍存在很大差异。

    Carrying out a kinematical analysis of the Galaxy for proper-motion systems of the FK5 and Hipparcos , a large difference in proper motions between two systems is found , even if the precessional correction to the FK5 system has been considered .

  14. 本文从爱因斯坦场方程的解开始,严格而细致地论证了相对论岁差和章动的起源,推导了测地、Lense-Thirring、Thomas岁差章动和黄极的相对论进动的理论表达式。

    Beginning with the solution of the Einstein 's Field equation , this paper rigorously and intensively discusses the origin of the relativistic precession and nutation , and derives the theoretical expression of the geodetic 、 Lense-Thirring , Thomas precession , nutation and the relativistic advance of the ecliptic pole .

  15. 由于目前尚无法获得火星自转轴岁差的精确值,因此难以如同地球或月球那样导出火星的平均惯量矩系数I/MR2值。

    Because the exact value of the Martian axial precession is presently unknown , the mean moment-of-inertia ratio , I / MR2 , of Mars cannot be derived as it is for the Earth or the Moon .

  16. 它有前向后推,因此称做一个岁差。

    It goes backward , and is therefore called a precession .

  17. 地球动力学扁率及其与岁差章动的关系

    The Earth Dynamical Flattening and Its Relation to Precession and Nutation

  18. 新天文常数系统的岁差公式

    The precession expressions of the new system of astronomical constants

  19. 明清之际中国天文学关于岁差理论之争议与解释

    Controversy over the Theory of Precession in Late Ming and Early Qing China

  20. 岁差改正数与恒星运动学参数的最大似然估计

    Maximum-likelihood estimation of precession corrections and kinematic parameters

  21. 岁差常数的测定

    Determination of the Precession Constant

  22. 岁差之所以特别重要是因为它引起坐标d和б比较迅速的变化。

    Precession is of utmost importance since it causes relatively rapid changes in coordinates d and б .

  23. 同时还证明了岁差表达式与地球模型无关。

    At one time , it is proved that the expression of precession is independent of Earth model .

  24. 所谓日月岁差,是由于地球转动惯量的不相等造成的。

    The so-called lunisolar precession is caused by the inequality of the moments of inertia of the earth .

  25. 地球自转运动包括岁差和章动,极移和日长的变化。

    The rotation of the Earth includes precession , nutation , variations of the rotation rate and polar motion .

  26. 主要内容有:(1)顾及了高阶岁差章动力矩对地球自转的影响;

    The primary contents consist of : ( 1 ) considering influence of high order precession-nutation moment on Earth rotation ;

  27. 本文简介了黄赤交角、偏心率、岁差等地球轨道三要素和米兰柯维奇理论。

    Three orbital elements of the Earth : precession , declination and eccentricity , and Milankovitch theory are introduced briefly .

  28. 其次通过比较研究的手法,通过与其同时代天文历算家的学说对比分析游艺的天文学思想,主要是阐释其岁差、左右旋等观点。

    Secondly , through the comparative method , analysis of his astronomical ideas , mainly to explain his precession and left-rotation theory .

  29. 这种颤动旋转产生了恒星的运动形状,并逐渐在天空中漂移,称为一个5125年周期中的一个岁差。

    This wobbling rotation causes the movement of stars pattern and gradually drift in the sky called precession in a5,125 year cycle .

  30. 形成高潮或者引起高潮。顾及日月高阶引潮力位的岁差章动力矩的推导

    Consisting of or causing a climax . Deduction from Moment of Precession and Nutation Considering High Step Tidal Generating Potential of Solar and Luner