
  • 【电影】Echoes Of The Rainbow
  1. 《岁月神偷》从现在开始将是我永爱的电影了!

    AhMinable Echoes of the Raindow is now becoming my all-time-favourite movie !

  2. 这种酒真可谓岁月神偷。

    It 's the steal of the year .

  3. 这是岁月神偷里我最感动的一个镜头。

    A man , a pan , I 'm a man , this is a pan .

  4. 出生于上世纪60年代香港一个亲密但贫穷家庭的罗启锐以自己的自传故事赢得了最佳编剧奖。这部名为《岁月神偷》的影片同时也是他执导的。

    Alex Law won best screenplay for his autobiographical story about growing up in close but economically struggling household in1960s Hong Kong , 'Echoes of the Rainbow , 'which he also directed .