
yán jiū zhě
  • researcher;investigator;student
  1. 他不过是一名滥竽充数的美国戏剧研究者。

    He is a poor apology for a researcher of the American drama .

  2. “你要追寻的就是名声,”加州大学戴维斯分校基因组学研究者泰特斯·布朗说道。

    The thing you are searching for reputation says Titus Brown , a genomics researcher at the University of California , Davis . "

  3. 他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。

    He was one of the world 's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture

  4. 有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。

    Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder .

  5. 研究者好不容易完成了对1.6万首不同的古典、摇滚和爵士乐曲的研究。

    Researchers have ploughed through 16,000 different pieces of classical , rock and jazz music

  6. 研究者们发现作物几乎颗粒无收,并且饮用水严重短缺。

    Researchers found an almost total crop failure and a severe shortage of drinking water .

  7. 瑞士科学家意识到其他研究者大多研究方向不对头。

    Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree .

  8. 研究者们拓展了其研究领域,介绍并揭示了事物发生的原因和机理。

    Researchers are pushing back the frontiers and opening doors to reveal why things happen and how things work .

  9. 这些研究者证明:甜菜碱导致生长反应。

    These investigators showed that betaine caused a growth response .

  10. 开放数据的改变给初级研究者造成了一个令人困惑的问题。

    The open-data shift poses a confusing problem for junior researchers .

  11. 研究者还指出,在准备数据让他人查看时还有一个时间陷阱的问题。

    Researchers also point to the time sink that is involved in preparing data for others to view .

  12. 研究者认为,子女抚养方面的阶层差异正在扩大,这是不平等现象加剧的一个征兆,将会有深远的影响。

    The class differences in child rearing are growing — a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences .

  13. 开放科学也为初级研究者带来了更好地获取关键数据的途径,创造了公平的竞争环境。

    Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial date .

  14. 在小实验室或机构里专注教学的研究者可以说在分享来之不易的数据时失去的最多。

    Researchers at small labs or at institutions focused on teaching arguably have the most to lose when sharing hard-won data .

  15. 我们是否能在周末之类的时间补足睡眠是睡眠研究者在讨论的热点话题。

    Whether or not we can catch up on sleep — on the weekend , say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers .

  16. 但是很多年轻的研究者,特别是没有接受过开放科学指导的那些研究者,他们对是共享还是保持私有仍不确定。

    But many young researchers , especially those who have not been mentored in open science , are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private .

  17. 最后,与同事共享数据、软件和材料能够帮助初级研究者获得认可,这也是成功的关键部分。

    In the end , sharing data , software and materials with colleagues can help an early - career researcher to gain recognition -- a crucial component of success .

  18. 由于心理学领域的发现不可复制性,所以在过去几年里,它的地位有所动摇,该领域的研究者强烈支持更加开放的科学这一运动。

    Researchers in psychology , a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years , have been especially vocal sup-porters of the drive for more-open science .

  19. 由于他们的行为通常并不被视为危险信号,这些年轻亼被研究者标记为“隐形风险”人群。

    Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag , these young people have been dubbed the " invisible risk " group by the study 's authors .

  20. 此外,他们说,这也是研究者集合一系列观察结果的最佳方式,而这是加快发现速度或者识别大规模趋势所必需的。

    Furthermore , they say , it is the best way for researchers to gather the range of observations that are necessary to speed up discoveries or to identify large-scale trends .

  21. 研究者们调查了12,395名学生,分析了九种风险行为,包括酗酒、使用违禁药品、吸烟成瘾、过量使用多媒体和逃学。

    The study 's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors , including excessive alcohol use , illegal drug use , heavy smoking , high media use and truancy .

  22. 进行分享的研究者个人也会大获裨益,包括与同事更多的接触、提高知名度和敖据引用频率。

    Researchers   who   share   get   plenty   of   personal   benefits ,   including   more   connections   with   colleagues ,   improved   visibility   and   increased   citations .

  23. 盖恩斯维尔佛罗里达大学社会态度研究者凯特·拉特利夫认为,就像一个领域的两个阵营,一方关心开放科学,另一方不关心开放科学。

    Kate Ratliff , who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida , Gainesville , says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field-those who care about open science and those who don 't.

  24. 加州大学洛杉矶分校睡眠研究员、医学教授刘教授把睡眠不足的人带进实验室,让他们每晚睡大约10个小时并加以记录,结果显示被研究者胰岛素处理血糖的能力有所提高。

    When Liu , the UCLA sleep researcher and professor of medicine , brought caters sleep-restricted people into the lab for a weekend of sleep during which they logged about 10 hours per night , they showed improvements in the ability of insulin to process blood sugar .

  25. 联合作者艾米·扎内认为,使用者很可能囊括了从想要估算生物炭储量的气候变化研究者到寻找不同等级木材信息的林业工作者。

    Co-author   Amy   Zanne   thinks   that   users   probably   range   from   climate-change   researchers   wanting   to   estimate   how   much   carbon   is   stored   in   biomass ,   to   foresters looking   for   information   on   different   grades   of   timber .

  26. 同样,研究者说,看到垃圾食品就能刺激人们吃的欲望。

    Similarly , the researchers say , being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to eat it .

  27. 当研究者首次采访这些夫妇时,每一对夫妇中至少有一位年龄超过50岁。

    At the time of the first interview , at least one of the partners was over the age of 50 .

  28. 在最近一项实验中,日本的研究者将30只家猫对于团队成员摇晃容器的反应进行了录像。

    In a recent experiment , Japanese researchers taped 30 domestic cats reacting to a container that a team member shook .

  29. 研究者目前正在分析该研究的参与者的健康状况和生活方式,以确认哪些因素可能会影响与年龄有关的认知变化。

    The researchers are currently analyzing the study participants ' health and lifestyle to see which factors might influence age-related cognitive changes .

  30. 研究者采集了水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆这四种最重要的农作物的大量数据。

    The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops : rice , wheat , com and soyabeans .