
  • 网络GANS
  1. 明白这个道理的经济学家是乔舒亚•甘斯(JoshuaGans)和安德鲁•利(AndrewLeigh),两人发表了一系列论文与报告,显示出澳大利亚出生率与死亡率的某些可疑模式。

    The economists who realised this are Joshua Gans and Andrew Leigh , who have been publishing a series of papers and notes showing some suspicious patterns in Australian birth and death rates .

  2. 超凡的忍耐力为甘斯赢得了美国人民经久不衰的爱戴。

    Extraordinary stoicism earned Gans his lasting popularity in America .

  3. 纽约市,甘斯沃尔特(美联社)——来自纽约市HowesCave的埃莉诺·坎宁安(EleanorCunningham)打破了总统老布什的记录。

    GANSEVOORT , N.Y. ( AP ) - Eleanor Cunningham of Howes Cave , New York , has bested former President GeorgeH . W.

  4. 顿涅茨克州及卢甘斯克州的亲俄派活动人士宣布独立。

    Pro-Russian activists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions have declared independence .

  5. 卢甘斯克州的亲俄派活动人士已经表明他们不会参加总统大选。

    Pro-Russia activists in Luhansk have already declared they will not participate in the elections .

  6. 家长眼中的垃圾食品,在甘斯的眼中则是“激励机会”。

    What one parent sees as junk food , Professor Gans sees as an " incentive opportunity " .

  7. 俄罗斯马甘斯克的农场内,气温徘徊在华氏零下49度,奶牛围绕在篝火旁取暖。

    Cows warm themselves by a fire as the temperature hovers around-49 degrees Fahrenheit at a farm in Magansk , Russia .

  8. 甘斯对激励的力量深信不疑,他告诉儿子,只要连续7个晚上不尿裤子,就能得到奖赏。

    Believing in the power of incentives , Mr Gans offered a reward if his son could keep his pants dry for seven nights .

  9. 甘斯和利估计,6月份最后一周,每20起可能死亡中,就有一起被推迟,让死者逃脱遗产税。

    Gans and Leigh estimated that one in 20 likely deaths in the last week of June were postponed long enough to escape inheritance tax .

  10. 跳伞地点位于甘斯沃尔特的萨拉托加。周六,在为跳伞穿上整套服装前,坎宁安亲吻了自己7个月大的玄孙女。

    Cunningham kissed her 7-month-old great-great-granddaughter before suiting up for her 100th birthday jump Saturday at Saratoga Skydiving in Gansevoort ( GANZ ' - voort ) .

  11. 这种测试原本可以把将银行业务转移至表外的计划扼杀在摇篮中,也可以督促小甘斯睡觉时不脱裤子。

    Such a test would have killed plans to shift banking business to off-balance sheet vehicles at an early stage . And required young Gans to keep his pants on .

  12. 后来,甘斯学会了对于种种恶意挑衅漠然视之,就算有对手戏谑他是“133磅的黑肥肉”,就算在拳击场角斗时对手向他脸上啐唾沫,他也绝不动怒。

    In consequence , Gans learnt to remain impassive in the face of the most egregious provocations : even , for instance , when one opponent called him " 133 pounds of black meat " and when another spat in his face as they squared up in the centre of the ring .