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  1. 甘罗溴铵在数十年前就已被批准用于治疗胃溃疡和降低正处于麻醉状态中的患者的唾液分泌。

    Glycopyrrolate was approved decades ago to treat peptic ulcers and reduce salivation in patients under anesthesia .

  2. 已报告的与甘罗溴铵相关的常见不良反应:口干、便秘、潮红和尿潴留。

    Common adverse reactions reported with glycopyrrolate are dry mouth , constipation , flushing , and urinary retention .

  3. 在说明书以外的适应症使用过程中,甘罗溴铵的口服片剂必须被碾碎后才能用于治疗患有神经疾病的儿童的流涎症状。

    When used off label , oral tablets of glycopyrrolate had to be crushed to treat drooling in children with neurological disorders .