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shì zǐ
  • crown prince;royal highness
世子 [shì zǐ]
  • [royal highness] 古代天子、诸侯的谪长子或儿子中继承帝位或王位的人

  • 操与众商议,欲立 植为世子。--《三国演义》第七十二回

  1. 但她是世子的母亲。

    But she is the mother of our lord 's heir .

  2. 周王为天下的大宗,其嫡长子为宗子,是王位继承者,称世子;

    The king made the eldest son born of his wife heir to the throne , who was called crown prince .

  3. 依据宗藩体制,朝鲜国王、世子、王妃均须得到清帝册封;

    According to the patriarchal-vassal system , Korean king , prince and empress all must be observed order from emperors of Qing Dynasty .

  4. 我们都会暗自揣测,哪些行为会令后世子孙沮丧地问:他们都是怎么想的?

    We will all have our own suspicions about which practices will someday prompt people to ask , in dismay : What were they thinking ?

  5. 滕文公为世子,将之楚,过宋而见孟子。

    When the prince , afterwards duke Wen of Teng , had to go to Chu , he went by way of Song , and visited Mencius .

  6. 若世上有公理存在,这些辩护的真实性将不致遭受怀疑,至少后世子孙会给予它们公平的裁决。

    If there is candor in the world , the truth of these assertions will not be questioned ; posterity at least will do justice to them .

  7. 《楚乔传》《楚乔传》改编自网络小说《11处特工皇妃》,讲述了女奴楚乔的奇遇以及她和燕洵世子的爱情故事。

    Adapted from an online novel Queen of No.11 Agent , the TV series is about the adventure of a female slave Chu Qiao and her romance with a prince Yan Xun .

  8. 到五世子孙牟墨林时,家业以渐成规模。牟墨林抓住灾年的时机,采取以粮换地等办法,兼并栖霞境内众多自耕农及其他地主大量土地,而一跃成为栖霞最大的地主。

    During the famine period , Molin Mou seized the opportunity to adopt a land-for-food approach , merged many farmers and other landowners with a lot of land , and became the largest landlord in Qixia .