首页 / 词典 / good


rén chén
  • minister;subject;vassal
  • official in feudal times
人臣 [rén chén]
  • [official in feudal times] 臣子;臣下

  1. 由于奉行家天下的政治格局,形成皇帝与臣子,家长与家子层层的监护关系,皇帝、家长是完全行为能力人,臣于与家子从属于皇帝与家长,其人身,财产均受其支配、控制。

    Emperor and patriarch have complete ability , subjects and children subordinate them , there bodies , properties are protected by their master .

  2. 通过分析对比三人的为臣处世之道可以发现,三人共有的善于隐忍的品格特质保证了他们成就一番功业,三人不同的思想和举措导致了各自不同的最终命运。

    Different attitude of life can be found by analysis and comparison of three , that three good forbear character traits shared their achievements some exploits , three different minister from the whole of the road led to the ultimate different fate .