
  1. 第二次社会变革是由奴隶制向封建制过渡,马克思认为这两个社会阶段都是以人身依附关系为特征的。

    The second social reform was the transition from slave society to feudal society .

  2. 农业现代化与人身依附关系

    Agricultural Modernization and Personal Dependence Relation

  3. 17世纪以前,主仆间存在着人身依附关系。

    Before 17th century , the relationship between the master and servant is that of personal attachment .

  4. 同时,老子的理想社会还是一个排斥绝对人身依附关系的,具有闭关色彩的小农社会。

    Moreover , his ideal society was also a closed society of small farmers who enjoyed relatively personal freedom .

  5. 另外,在军队内部,将兵人身依附关系不断变化。

    In addition , the relations of personal dependence between the general and the privates continuously changed in the army .

  6. 这种人身依附关系有其经济成因,由此决定了古代东方法律文化价值取向的基本特点是以确认等级依附关系为核心和目标。

    This kind of personal attachment decides that the basic core and goal of ancient east legal culture is to confirm hierarchal attachment relation .

  7. 庄园制的政治管理形态具体从行政管理、司法制度以及人身依附关系三个方面来分析,说明庄园运作的方式和其所产生的影响。

    From the aspect of political management of a manor , it states the administration , the judiciary system , and relations of lords and serfs of manor system .

  8. 指出从中国的现实出发,消除中国农村的人身依附关系、实现现代化,农业股份合作社将是生产关系与组织制度上的一种选择。

    This paper recommends that the choice of production relations and organization system should build on the foundation of removing rural personal dependence relation , agricultural modernization and agricultural cooperative society .

  9. 据此得出一个结论,即:封建农业法制不可能突破封建社会森严的等级制度和人身依附关系而去追求农民利益和农民平等权的保护。

    Conclusion , thereafter , was made that feudal legal system of agriculture could not get out of the strict hierarchic system and dependence on interpersonal relationships to protect farmers equal rights and seek farmers interest .

  10. 从现代化的内涵与过程的分析入手,认为农业现代化不过是经济上的工业化、市场化、城市化的另面反映,现代化事实上就是打破与消除人身依附关系的过程。

    Based on the analysis of the connotation and process of modernization , this paper considers that agricultural modernization is the other-side reflection of industrialization , market mechanism , urbanization and that modernization is the process of eliminating the personal dependence relation .

  11. 明清时期商品经济繁荣,土地买卖逐渐成为获取土地的主要方式,租佃契约关系成为主要的剥削形式,农民的人身依附关系渐趋弱化。

    The commodity economy of Ming and Qing dynasties is prosperous , land business became the main form of access to land , tenancy contractual relationship was a major form of exploitation , farmers ' relationship to landlord became more and more weakening .

  12. 当然,商品经济的成份在中国封建社会时期也并非始终丝毫都不存在,双方当事人之间没有人身依附性的劳动关系也是少量存在的。

    Certainly , the China feudal society also has the ingredient of some commodity economies , thus then exist , work relations that does not have the person attachment .

  13. 以人为本的人是指生而平等的作为类的独立的人,这种人摆脱等级和人身依附关系,是在世界历史中形成的。

    The word " people " in " people oriented " refers to such a kind of inherently-equal and human-subjected person that has been detached from social class and personal bondage , who are formed in historical process .