
  1. 唐太宗李世民东征高丽,往返都经过此地,并住兵扼守;

    Tang Taizong Li Shimin Dongzheng Korea , and from all over here , and live in Bing critical point ;

  2. 唐太宗李世民是中国历史上公认的杰出皇帝,也是一个充满争议的复杂人物。

    Li Shimin , the first emperor of Tang dynasty , is one of the most famous and greatest emperor in China history .

  3. 据传真迹随着唐太宗李世民寿终而成了殉葬品,再也没有人见到过。

    It is said that the authentic work was buried with Li Shimin , the emperor of the Tang Dynasty , and was never seen again .