
  • 网络Thangka;Thang-ga;Thanka;Tonka
  1. 为了进一步促进唐卡教学,艺术中心需要筹建一所空间更大、教学设施更完备的正规学校。

    To further boost the teaching of Thang-ga , a formal school with more space and better teaching facilities was needed .

  2. 唐卡画家用稀有的矿物和植物制成特殊的颜料,绘制出色彩鲜艳的图画,历经数百年而不褪色。

    Thang-ga painters use special pigments made from rare minerals and plants to make bright colors that can last for hundreds of years .

  3. 他要给你看瓦卡唐卡造的轮。

    He will show you a wheel made by Wakan tanka .

  4. 这个唐卡不只是当地的圣物,而且价值连城。

    Not only this Tang Ka local halidom , moreover is priceless .

  5. 同时向瓦卡唐卡的礼物表示感恩。

    And give thanks for the gifts from Wakan tanka .

  6. 但对一个得到瓦卡唐卡照应的人而言。

    But for one who communes with Wakan tanka .

  7. 并坚信瓦卡唐卡会一直引领着他。

    And understood that Wakan Tanka was guiding him .

  8. 我们称它们为塔唐卡,威严的一群。

    We call them tatanka , the majestic ones .

  9. 这是首次以这些可追溯到清朝的稀有唐卡为主题进行展览。

    This is the first themed exhibition featuring these rare thangkas the Qing Dynasty .

  10. 唐卡的装裱及其审美特征

    Mounting of Tangkar and Its Aesthetic Characteristic

  11. 八十幅唐卡正在上海豫园展出。

    Eighty thangkas are being showcased at an exhibition at the Yu Garden in Shanghai .

  12. 第五章集中介绍唐卡的主要绘画工具与材料。

    Chapter V focused on the images of the main painting site and the materials .

  13. 你的魔法违背了瓦卡唐卡。

    Your magic wrongs Wakan tanka .

  14. 第七章通过唐卡的制作过程展示出其艺术风格与形式上的独特之处。

    Adopted under Chapter VII images of the production process and demonstrate their art form unique style .

  15. 信息技术应用后热贡唐卡传承的价值取向转向追逐物质价值。

    After the application of information technology , the inheritance value is changing to chase material value .

  16. 经过了两位画师及三次的作画,现在他们终于已完成一幅极佳的唐卡。

    After two painters and three paintings , now finally they had come up with a wonderful Thangka .

  17. 制作一幅唐卡的过程是一次崇法人士积累善业功德的行为。

    The process of making a Tangka is the behavior of people who believe spell accumulate merits and virtues .

  18. 我收到一张有著您的脸的观音唐卡,立于许多其他佛像之中。

    I have received a photo of a thangka of Cherezing with your face , standing among many other statues of the buddhas .

  19. 作为非物质文化遗产中的一朵奇葩,唐卡因为其文化性和艺术性强而受到大众的喜爱。

    As a unique blossom on the tree of the intangible cultural heritages , Tangka boasts its popularity for its cultural and artistic values .

  20. 唐卡牛人和自然的关系也与牛头人表亲们不一样,这种关系一直充斥着冲突和隐忍。

    The taunka 's relationship with nature , unlike that of their tauren brethren , has been one of constant struggle and grim perseverance .

  21. 至于这个唐卡,是因为我的弟子们,透过他们的感应,相信我和观音是一体的。

    As to this Thangka , it is because my disciples , through their inspirations , believe that I am in oneness with Guan Yin .

  22. 我很开心的和大家分享这图像,并且于此公告这幅就是「上师金观音唐卡」。

    I am very happy to share this image with all and declare hereby that this will be the Thangka of Guru as Golden Guan Yin .

  23. 古埃及人敬重对他们具有宗教意义的黄金,3300年前,图唐卡蒙国王埋葬于金棺中。

    The ancient egypitains esteemed gold , which had religious significance to them , and King Tutankhamen was buried in a solid gold coffin 3300 years ago .

  24. 宝源度母纯金唐卡,以宝源度母为本尊,宝源度母是二十一度母其中之一,亦是观音菩萨其中一个化身。

    This Thangka in gold mainly depicts the Tara Who Bestows Prosperity , one of the families of twenty-one Taras , and also an incarnation of Avalokitesvara .

  25. 唐卡有多种分类方法,本文以制作方式将其分为绘画和非绘画两大类。

    Tang Ka has many kinds of taxonomic approaches , this article manufactures the way to divide into it the drawing and the non-drawing two broad headings .

  26. 澳大利亚东北部动物保护区的管理者们近来发现他们的明星袋熊唐卡因不明原因的病症体重下降了,他们对此感到很疑惑。

    Handlers at an animal sanctuary in north-east Australia were mystified when their star attraction , Tonka the wombat , was brought low by a mystery illness .

  27. 附有唐卡(卷轴画)和英文说明的米拉热巴全传由托尼斯密特完成,于1952年在斯德哥尔摩出版。

    The complete life of Milarepa as illustrated in tankas ( painted scrolls ) with English commentary was produced by Toni Schmid and published in Stockholm in1952 .

  28. 为了保护这种独特的民间艺术,一所位于青海省的学校开始免费教授来自贫困家庭的孩子画唐卡。

    To protect this unique folk art , a school in Qinghai Province in western China teaches Thang-ga painting techniques to children from poor families free of charge .

  29. 弟子训琳、训秀、智宣及智慧精勤致力于我金身观音唐卡的工作,迄今已有数个月。

    Disciples Xun Lin , Xun Xiu , Zhi Xuan and Zhi Hui has worked diligently on the project of my Thangka as Golden Guan Yin for several months now .

  30. 随着时间的推移,这些据信是牛头人的远方亲戚的唐卡牛人接受了元素和大地的力量&但和他们的远亲不一样,他们强迫元素和大地的力量为他们服务。

    Over time , the taunka-whom many believe to be ancestral cousins of the tauren-have adapted , but only by forcing the land and the elements to yield to their will .