
nónɡ mín qǐ yì
  • peasant uprising
农民起义 [nóng mín qǐ yì]
  • [peasant revolt] 为反抗地主阶级的政治压迫与经济剥削,农民起来进行武装斗争

  1. 太平天国运动是中国历史上一次伟大的农民起义。

    The TaiPing Heavenly Kingdom Movement was a great peasant uprising .

  2. 论《天雨花》对农民起义的态度

    Tian Yu Hua and Its Attitudes towards Peasant Uprising

  3. 年的农民起义

    the Peasants ' Revolt of 1381 1381

  4. 十九世纪中期的人口问题与农民起义

    On the problems of population and the peasant uprisings during mid-19th-century

  5. 反秦农民起义军的兵制

    The Military System of the Anti Qin Peasants Insurrectionary Army

  6. 杜甫“敌视”农民起义的说法,值得商榷。

    It is worth discussing whether Du Fu was antagonistic to peasants'uprising .

  7. 农民起义反对贪官污吏。

    The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials .

  8. 中世纪欧洲农民起义特点浅议

    Farmer Revolutionary ' Characteristics of Middle Ages in Europe

  9. 近代宗族组织与农民起义

    The Role of Modern Ancestral Organizations in Peasantry Uprisings

  10. 历史上曾暴发过多次反剥削反压迫的农民起义。

    History , outbreaks of several anti-exploitation of the peasant uprising against oppression .

  11. 至此,陈胜、吴广领导的农民起义失败。

    Thus , the insurgence led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang failed .

  12. 孟子是中国历代农民起义战争的理论始祖。

    Mencius'is the theoretical forefather of the various peasant uprisings in Chinese history .

  13. 这本小说批判农民起义,但对反动统治者歌功颂德。

    This novel criticizes the peasants'uprising and sing the praises of the reactionary rulers .

  14. 这导致了腐败与更大的阶级差异,农民起义频繁爆发。

    This led to corruption and greater class division resulting in frequent peasant uprisings .

  15. 从1329年元朝晚期开始,农民起义加速了王朝的覆灭。

    From 1329 in the late-Yuan period , peasant uprisings accelerated the decline of the regime .

  16. 但当饥饿超过枪杀的恐惧时,农民起义便发生了。

    But when hunger is stronger than the fear of being shot , peasant revolts take place .

  17. 建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。

    After the establishment of peasant governments , the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords .

  18. 为权利而斗争,这是卢德运动与中国传统农民起义最根本的差异所在。

    This is the difference of the movement of Luddism and the traditional rebellions of Chinese peasants .

  19. 其间以方腊、宋江领导的农民起义影响最大。

    The uprisings led by Fang La and Song Jiang were the biggest worry of the period .

  20. 中国历史上的农民起义和农民战争的规模之大,是世界历史上所仅见的。

    The scale of peasant uprisings and peasant wars in Chinese history has no parallel anywhere else .

  21. 从《喜雨》等诗看杜甫是否敌视农民起义

    Reading Du Fu 's " Happy Rain " and Judging Whether He Was Antagonistic to Peasants ' Uprising

  22. 本剧浓墨重彩展示农民起义波澜壮阔的历史,尽显农民起义英雄本色。

    This maxi-series reveals a constellation of heroes emerging in the history of peasant uprising in vivid details .

  23. 中国历史上第一次大规模农民起义(大泽乡起义)的首领们就是在陈建立政权。

    The leaders of first Chinese peasant uprising ( Daze Village Uprising ) established the government at Chen .

  24. 爆发于1911~1914年间的白朗起义是民国时期一次最大规模的农民起义。

    The Bai Lang Rebellion from 1911 to 1914 was the greatest peasant uprising of the Republican period .

  25. 《水浒全传》是我国以农民起义为题材的著名长篇白话小说。

    Outlaws of the Marsh is the famous saga novel in our country with the theme of peasant uprising .

  26. 在封建朝代,口号发挥威力是在农民起义风起云涌之时。

    In feudal society , slogans showed their impact during the time when farmers ' rising was up surging .

  27. 于是在陕北爆发了大规模的农民起义。

    It was unavoidable for the large-scale peasants uprising to break out . Therefore it broke out in Shaanbei .

  28. 明末农民起义军的重要将领李岩,崇祯十七年被李自成冤杀。

    Li Yan was the main general of peasant uprising troops in the last years of the Ming Dynasty .

  29. 他们二人成为了那时农民起义的主力军。

    The two of them became two important leaders of the peasant uprisings which were taking place at the time .

  30. 到他的孙子孝明帝执政时,北魏由于农民起义已经处于实质上的动乱之中,

    By the time of his grandson Emperor Xiaoming , Northern Wei was in substantial upheaval due to agrarian revolts ,