
  • 网络human ecology;humanity ecology
  1. 西部大开发中人文生态建设与保护的哲学思考

    Philosophic Consideration about the Development and Protection of Human Ecology in the Western Development

  2. 遥感信息已经成为我们理解自然与人文生态系统的空间分布的重要参数。

    Remote sensing information has been one of the important parameters to our understanding of nature and human ecology system of the spatial distribution .

  3. 以人为本,构建和谐的高校图书馆人文生态

    Construct Harmonious Humanistic Ecology of Academic Libraries in a Human-oriented Manner

  4. 这样的观点我们把它称为教育人文生态价值观。

    This view is called the human and ecological values of education .

  5. 人文生态:文艺民俗的创化模式与审美向度

    Humanistic Ecology : the Creation Mode and Aesthetic Dimension of Literature Folklore

  6. 城市社会中的高校群落现象透视&兼析美国城市高校分布格局的人文生态

    Phenomenon of University Community in Cities : An Analysis

  7. 中国教育传统结构的人文生态分析

    Analyses of humanistic ecology about the Chinese educational tradition

  8. 第五章:可持续发展人文生态的核心&生态哲学,生态哲学是可持续发展人文生态的理论升华,对可持续发展人文生态意识和生活意识有重要引导作用。

    Chapter five is ecological philosophy & core of humanistic ecology of sustainable development .

  9. 贫困地区人文生态的某些特点

    Some Humane Ecological Characteristics in Less Developed Areas

  10. 开发茶业人文生态旅游的探讨

    A Study on Tea Humanity Ecotourism Development A Tentative Discussion of Ecological Medicine Industry

  11. 唯有和谐能够使人文生态和自然生态两大实体性构件有机黏合在一起。人文生态的和谐是社会生产力系统健康发展的人文基础;

    The harmony of humane ecology is the basis of social productivity - system .

  12. 语言·文化与理论的移植&一个人文生态的思考

    Transplanting of Language , Culture and Theory

  13. 认为梅县具备了良好生态特性的风景资源,其自然生态景观和人文生态景观都有比较明显的优势。

    Mei Country tourism scenic resources have advantages in natural environment landscape and human social landscape .

  14. 特别对生态学与中国可持续发展发展的关系以及中国可持续发展的人文生态问题从本质上加以考查论证。

    The paper demonstrates humanistic ecology of sustainable development and relationship between ecology and Chinese sustainable development .

  15. 其地质遗迹等自然生态资源与人文生态资源,具有双重性;

    The natural ecological resources and humanistic ecological resources , such as geological relics , possess double traits ;

  16. 第二章阐述了宋代以来江西八景的人文生态内容,分为四部分。

    The second chapter discussed human landscape derived from the Song Dynasty . It also had four parts .

  17. 城市生态背景值包括自然生态背景值与人文生态背景值。

    Urban ecological background values include two aspects : nature ecological background values and human ecological background values .

  18. 药香园林环境·人文生态校园&南阳仲景医学高等专科学校新校区规划

    Garden Environment with Medicine Fragrance · Humanism and Ecologic Campus & Planning of Zhongjing Medical College Campus in Nanyang

  19. 城市景观生态规划:生态基础设施建设与人文生态设计&以常州市为例

    Ecological Planning of Urban Landscape : Ecological Infrastructure Construction and Humanistic Ecology Design & In the Case of Changzhou City

  20. 对于首都北京而言,森林与社会经济发展及人文生态环境建设之间有着密切的依存关系。

    Forest is highly correlated with the development of social economy , civilization and the improvement of environment in Beijing .

  21. 随着旅游业的发展,旅游方式已从单一的观光旅游向人文生态旅游方向转变。

    According to the development of tourism , the model of tourism have already transferred from sightseeing to humanism eco-tourism .

  22. 都市民俗旅游作为人文生态旅游方式之一越来越受到人们的重视。

    As the part of the humanism eco-tourism , the tourism of urban folklore are getting more and more attention .

  23. 目前生态旅游开发主要面向于自然生态系统,很少涉及人文生态。

    At present , the development of ecological tourism mainly limited to the natural ecosystems , rarely involve in cultural ecology .

  24. 佛家这些义理和认知思维,蕴涵丰富的人文生态思想,为中国古代文人士大夫所崇奉。

    These principles and cognitive thinking reflected rich cultural and ecological connotation and was adhered to by the ancient Chinese scholars .

  25. 人文生态住居的理想绝不是一个简单的生态美学与建筑几何学概念问题,而是一个复杂的文化现象。

    The bio-habitat of human is not a simple conception of bio-aesthetics and architecture geometry , but a complicated cultural phenomenon .

  26. 本文首先对生态旅游资源进行界定,认为生态旅游资源包括自然生态旅游资源和人文生态旅游资源两大部分。

    At first , the ecotourism resources are defined , they are classified into natural ecotourism resources and cultural ecotourism resources .

  27. 人类社会的繁荣发展最终应该是人文生态与自然生态的和谐统一。

    C. The ends of prosperous development of harmonious society should be the coordination and integration of nature ecology and humanistic ecology .

  28. 基于此,我们在追求教育的诸多价值时,应以追求人文生态价值为主;

    Based on this view , we should focus on the human and ecological value when we pursue all the values of education ;

  29. 诚朴忠厚、诚信待人的人生准则以及崇尚自然、人与自然协调发展的人文生态观念等等,这也是东巴文化伦理观的现代价值之所在。

    To conduct with good faith and sincerity ; and to respect nature , to achieve the harmony between nature and human being .

  30. 顺应自然的古市政与古建筑艺术&名城镇远的人文生态环境小议

    Ancient City Planning and Architecture Conforming to Nature & A discussion on the human and ecological environments of Zhenyuan , a famous town