
  • 网络taklimakan desert highway
  1. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路固沙措施存在问题研究

    Study on Problems in Sand Consolidation Measures for the Taklimakan Desert Highway

  2. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路风沙危害与防治

    Sand Harm in Taklimakan Desert Highway and Sand Control

  3. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路的运行保障系统

    Running Guarantee System on Taklimakan Desert Highway

  4. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线气候恶劣、土壤和浅层地下水的含盐量高,沿线天然植被稀少,沙漠腹地仅发现12种能忍耐干旱和抗盐的植物种。

    Due to the extremely arid climate and high salt context in soil and underground water , the vegetation is very sparse and only 12 species of plants were found in the center of Tarim basin .

  5. 为了对沙漠公路交通安全现状、事故特征和成因进行分析,广泛收集了塔克拉玛干沙漠公路通车以来的交通事故统计数据,并深入实地进行了调研。

    In order to analyze the present situation , characteristics and main causes of traffic accidents on desert highway , the statistical data of traffic accidents were collected , and an interior field investigation was executed on Taklimakan desert highway .

  6. 塔克拉玛干沙漠石油公路沿线风沙活动的气候环境

    Climatic environment of sand drift activity along the oil transported highway in Taklimakan Desert

  7. 穿越塔克拉玛干大沙漠的沙漠公路,是世界上首次在流动性大沙漠上修筑的长距离等级公路;

    The highway running through the Taklimakan Desert is a long-distance graded highway , the first one in the world built on shifting sands .