
  • 网络tamworth;tmw
  1. 完美图像摄影公司的瑞秋·迪恩,当时在澳大利亚塔姆沃思拍摄一场婚礼。

    Rachel Deane of Finishing Image Photography was shooting a wedding in Tamworth , Australia .

  2. 澳大利亚农业部长巴纳比·乔伊斯(BarnabyJoyce)周五在塔姆沃思对记者表示,我们即将宣布一项对澳大利亚牛肉产业相当重要的消息。塔姆沃思位于悉尼以北,是一个农业中心。

    We are on the cusp of a new major announcement for the Australian beef industry , Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce told reporters Friday in Tamworth , an agricultural center north of Sydney .

  3. 猪儿们虽然没有凌空飞翔的本事,不过这对恋家心切的塔姆沃思小猪儿的泳技是在了得。

    Pigs can 't fly-but this pair of homesick Tamworth boar crosses can certainly swim .

  4. 温莎已经20年的国会议员-第一次当选为新南威尔士塔姆沃思席位。

    Windsor has been an MP for20 years-first elected to the New South Wales seat of Tamworth .