
  1. 不过,桥本称,东京附近的千叶、神奈川和埼玉三个县的奥运赛事场馆也不会有现场观众。

    However , three prefectures near Tokyo -- Chiba , Kanagawa and Saitama -- will not have spectators at Olympic competition venues , according to Hashimoto .

  2. 幸而Tilly博士发现他的前同事——日本埼玉医科大学的YasushiTakai在冰箱里存放了30个变性人不再需要的健康卵巢组织,取得了突破。

    Dr Tilly 's breakthrough came when he discovered that a former colleague , Yasushi Takai of Saitama Medical University in Japan , had in his freezer healthy ovarian tissue from 30 patients who had changed sex .

  3. 日本埼玉县的盛桃井薰于去年七月份去世,同样享年112岁。他去世之后小出成为了世界上最高龄男子。

    Koide became the world 's oldest man following the death of Sakari Momoi from Saitama Prefecture in July last year who was also 112 years old .

  4. 他的妻子在不知情的情况下扔了这个袋子,上个月才在东京以北的埼玉县一间公寓外的垃圾收集站被人发现。

    His wife unknowingly threw out the bag , which was found last month at a refuse collection point outside an apartment building in Saitama , north of Tokyo .

  5. 为了查明性行为是否会改变男性较大的这块大脑区域,埼玉大学的研究人员将从未有过性生活的雄性老鼠和有过性经验的雄性老鼠的大脑做了比较。

    To find out whether an area known to be bigger in males was altered by having sex , the Saitama University researchers compared the brains of male rats who had never had sex before with their more experienced cage-mates .