
  • 网络seismic;Artificial Earthquake
  1. 生成桥址所在处罕遇地震的人工地震波;

    Generate artificial earthquake wave in the site condition of bridge ;

  2. 拟合标准反应谱的人工地震波

    The Artificial Earthquake Ground Motions Compatible with Standard Response Spectra

  3. 云南人工地震测深P_g子波及结晶基底特征研究

    Seismic p_g sub-wave and study of crystalline basement features in artifical earthquake sounding in Yunnan

  4. 根据1999年腾冲火山区人工地震探测资料,用层析成像方法反演了腾冲火山区上地壳三维P波速度结构。

    Based on data collected by deep seismic sounding carried out in 1999 , a three-dimensional P wave velocity structure is determined with tomographic inversion .

  5. 本文归纳总结出人工地震测深中利用垂直向记录识别S波震相的几个准则,提出了P波和S波联合反演地壳结构的方法。

    Several rules to distinguish S-wave phase of vertical records in DSS and a method to inverse simultaneously crustal structure by P-and S-wave have been put forward and sumed up .

  6. 根据腾冲火山地热区实施的人工地震测深剖面资料,用有限差分反演和正向走时拟合方法确定了地壳二维P波速度结构。

    Based upon the deep seismic sounding profile conducted in the Tengchong volcano-geothermal area , a two-dimensional crustal P velocity structure is obtained by use of the finite-difference inversion and the forward travel-time fitting method .

  7. 提出利用人工地震Pg回折波走时重建区域上地壳三维速度分布的方法。

    In this paper a method , reconstructing three dimensional local velocity distribution of uppermost crust using Pg diving wave generated by explosions , is proposed .

  8. 处理了滦县地震区人工地震Pg走时资料,获得了该区上地壳顶部的三维速度分布。

    In this paper the observed Pg data in Luanxian seismic region have been treated and the 3-D velocity distribution of the uppermost crust in this region has also been reconstructed .

  9. 本文利用天水地震区成县西吉和灵台阿木去乎二条人工地震测深剖面取得的7个相遇系统Pg波资料,研究测线下方地壳浅层结构。

    The shallow crust structure beneath Tianshui earthquake area has been studied by the Pg data of seven inversion groups aquired in Chengxian Xiji and Lingtai Amuquhu deep seismic sounding profile .

  10. 在人工地震Pg波波前成像方法结果的基础上,给出了一种新的高分辨折射地震剖面资料处理的射线数分布分析法。

    Based on the results obtained from Pg wavefront imaging in active source deep seismic sounding , we propose a new ray hit analysis method for high-resolution seismic refraction profile data processing .

  11. 本文根据华北地区人工地震测深的地震记录特征及得到的地壳速度结构和介质Q值结构,并结合其它地球物理资料,论述了华北地区壳内低速层的存在。

    According to the features of deep seismic sounding records and the velocity structures in the crust , the Q-value structures as well as other geophysical data in North China , This paper gives an illustration on the existance of low velocity layer ;

  12. Kaul导出的反应谱与功率谱的近似关系式,求出相应的功率谱,再按此功率谱去合成人工地震波。

    The approach on generating artificial accelerograms presented here is on the basis of approximate relationship between acceleration response spectra and power spectra .

  13. 利用横跨塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的拜城大柴旦综合地球物理剖面的人工地震宽角反射折射资料,对拜城大柴旦剖面研究区上地壳的Q值结构进行了反演。

    The inversion for the Q value of the upper crust along the profile from Baicheng to Da Qaidam has been carried out using seismic reflection / refraction data acquired on the profiles which cross the Tarim basin , the Altun orogenic belt and the Qaidam basin , respectively .

  14. 从地表至地下200m的近地表(超浅层)深度范围恰好是各种深、浅层人工地震勘探的盲区,但对活动构造研究意义重大。

    The ultra-shallow range of depth about 200m below the ground surface is exactly the blind area of every kind of deep and shallow seismic exploration , but it palys a important part in the research of active structure .

  15. 目的探讨人工地震对油井的增产机理。

    Aim To discuss the mechanism of increasing oil well production .

  16. 人工地震信号检测中相位信息的利用

    Application of phase information to signal detection of artificial seismic source

  17. 腾冲火山区地壳结构的人工地震探测

    Deep seismic sounding of crustal structure in Tengchong Volcanic Area

  18. 用人工地震波分析斜拉桥的地震响应

    The seismic response of cable-stayed bridge to artificial seismic wave

  19. 天水地震区人工地震测深观测系统与观测资料

    The observation system and the data of DSS in Tianshui earthquake area

  20. 乌鲁木齐城市活断层超浅层人工地震探测研究

    Research on Ultra-Shallow Seismic Exploration for Urban Active Faults in Urumqi City

  21. 人工地震波拟合中的傅氏变换及相位调整

    Fourier transform and phase adjustment in the simulation of artificial seismic wave

  22. 人工地震波反应谱拟合技术的改进

    Improvement in the Fitting Technology of Response Spectra for Simulated Earthquake Wave

  23. 人工地震提高采收率技术在濮城油田的先导试验及其效果

    Pilot Area of Improved Oil Recovery by Artificial Earthquake and Its Effect

  24. 华北地区人工地震测深震相与地壳结构研究

    Study on the seismic phase of DSS North China

  25. 浅层人工地震的断层识别

    Identification of faults from shallow explosion seismic sounding data

  26. 人工地震影像法在煤矿采空区的应用

    Application of man-made earthquake wave vertical reflection method in the coal mine gap

  27. 三瞬剖面法在人工地震测深中的应用研究

    The application of 3-moment-section method to DSS data processing

  28. 人工地震波在结构抗震设计中的使用

    Applicability of Artificial Earthquake Ground Motions for Design Purposes

  29. 横向非均匀地壳结构中人工地震资料反演的初步探讨

    A preliminary study on the inversion of DSS data in laterally heterogeneous crustal structures

  30. 人工地震增油技术在克拉玛依油田中的应用

    Application of Artificial Earthquake Stimulation to Karamay Oilfield