
  • 网络anthropocentrism;anthropocentric;human-centrism;anthropocentricism
  1. 国际生态保护法理念经历了从人类中心主义到生态中心主义,再到可持续发展的转变。

    The notion of international ecological protection law has developed from anthropocentrism to eco-centrism and to sustainable development .

  2. 摘要人类中心主义是以人为出发点评价认识客观世界的理论体系。

    Anthropocentrism is the theoretic system with regard to evaluating and recognizing the objective world with man as the starting point .

  3. 人类中心主义在历史上曾起过一定的积极作用。

    In history , human centralism once played some positive role .

  4. 传统发展观是理性主义发展观、“以物为中心”的发展观和“人类中心主义”的发展观;

    The traditional development concept is rational , matter-centered and humanity-centered .

  5. 现代人类中心主义的理论整合科学主义与人文主义如何整合

    Theoretical Integration of Modern Anthropocentrism How to Conform Scientism with Humanism

  6. 从人类中心主义到生态中心主义:梭罗生态哲学阐析

    From Anthropocentrism to Ecocentrism & Comment on Thoreau 's Ecological Philosophy

  7. 人类中心主义是一个不断发展、完善的理论。

    Anthropocentrism is a theory to develop and improve constantly .

  8. 受人类中心主义影响,人类试图改造自然、主宰自然。

    Influenced by anthropocentrism , human attempts to transform and dominate nature .

  9. 人类中心主义是建立在二元论世界观基础上的,这种世界观具有内在缺陷;

    Human centralism is based on dualist outlook which is inherently defective ;

  10. 非人类中心主义的困境与出路&来自生态学马克思主义的启示

    From the Perspectives of Ecological Marxism to Study the Plights of Non-anthropocentrism

  11. 第三部分:现代人类中心主义的两个优先性原则。

    Part three : the two prior principles of Anthropocentrism .

  12. 由非人类中心主义引发我对《窗子、海象》的认识

    From Non-human-centrism Has Led Me to " Window , Walrus " Awareness

  13. 人类中心主义伦理观是生态危机的价值根源。

    Human centered ethic is the source of ecological crisis .

  14. 人类中心主义是一个历史范畴。

    ? Mankind central doctrine is a history category .

  15. 从价值论的角度看人类中心主义和非人类中心主义之争

    The Evaluation of the Argument between Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrism

  16. 走不出、摆不脱的宿命&为人类中心主义辨

    Going to the human centrality that does not happen

  17. 现代人类中心主义意味着在尊重自然的基础上保持人类的主体性。

    Modern anthropocentrism means to respect nature while remaining human beings ' subjectivity .

  18. 自然界的优先地位与人类中心主义

    The Priority of the Natural World and the Anthropocentricity

  19. 哲学座架下的非人类中心主义梳理

    Systematizing Non - anthropocentrism in the Frame of Philosophy

  20. 生态伦理学中对人类中心主义的研究,构成了其理论的一个支点。

    The study of anthropocentrism in environmental ethics forms one of its branches .

  21. 马克思视域下人类中心主义产生的社会历史根源及出路

    Human-centrism 's Social and Historical Roots and Way out : A Marxist View

  22. 这一切都表现在他对自然生命世界非人类中心主义的细腻描绘中。

    All of that are expressed in his non-anthropocentric depiction of natural world .

  23. 它的三个原则分别是非人类中心主义,深层次生态学和生态整体论。

    Its three principles refer to anti-anthropocentrism , deep ecology and ecological holism .

  24. 合理人类中心主义的生存论意义

    The Value of the Existence Theory of Rational Anthropocentrism

  25. 发展伦理的人类中心主义谬误批判

    Criticism of the Anthropocentric Falsehood In the Developmental Ethics

  26. 西方非人类中心主义自然价值观评介

    On the Western View of Natural Value on Non-Anthropocentric

  27. 马克思主义的非人类中心主义视角

    Marxist Visual Angle of Anti - Human - Centralism

  28. 文学生态中心主义对人类中心主义的挑战&生态批评对生态文学中放弃的美学的探讨

    Literary Ecocentrism as a Challenge to Anthropocentrism & On the Aesthetics of Relinquishment

  29. 现代人类中心主义是科学发展观的哲学基础。

    Modern anthropocentrism is the philosophical foundation of the conception of scientific development .

  30. 走不出的人类中心主义

    Going to the Human Centrality That Does Not Occur