
  • 网络ecological socialism;eco-socialism;ecosocialism
  1. 论生态社会主义及其对我国现代化建设的启示PRP在教师管理中的应用及其启示

    Ecological Socialism and its Enlightenments in the Modernization of China Application and Enlightenments of PRP in Teacher Management

  2. 生态社会主义及其对我国科学发展观的启示

    Ecological Socialism and Its Enlightenment to Our Country Scientific Development Outlook

  3. 生态社会主义对我国社会主义现代化建设的启示

    Enlightenment of Ecological Socialism for China 's Construction of Socialist Modernization

  4. 生态社会主义对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示

    Revelation of Ecological Socialism to the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society

  5. 理想主义还是现实主义&生态社会主义的价值观述评

    Ecological Value : Idealism or Realism & A Comment on Eco-socialism

  6. 生态社会主义批判资本主义种种不幸,探索生态社会主义幸福的途径。

    Ecological socialism criticizes capitalism and explores ways of ecological socialism happiness .

  7. 生态社会主义的诞生就是其关注人类发展、关注人类幸福的结果。

    Ecological socialism is born under the attention human development and happiness .

  8. 当代西方生态社会主义思潮及其对我国社会主义建设的启示

    Contemporary Western Ecological Socialism Thought and Its Inspirations for Our Socialist Constructions

  9. 唯物史观的实践维度与社会主义制度评生态社会主义对历史唯物主义的解读

    Practice Dimension of the Materialistic Viewpoint of History and the Socialist System

  10. 生态社会主义的政治生态化同样主张现存资本主义制度的彻底变革,但这种生态政治理论体系主张按生态社会主义的要求而非生态方法来变革资本主义制度。

    But this theory system advocates change capitalism system with requires of eco-socialism .

  11. 全球化背景下生态社会主义对资本主义的批判和对未来社会的构想

    Ecological Socialisms Criticism of Capitalism and Conception of Future Society against the Background of Globalization

  12. 前言:生态社会主义是当代西方“新社会运动”的主要组成部分。

    The eco-socialism is an important component of new society campaign in contemporary western countries .

  13. 超越资本与自然的矛盾&评福斯特的生态社会主义

    To Transcend the Conflict between Capital and Nature & A Review of Foster 's Ecological Socialism

  14. 思想萌芽、发展壮大再到理论成熟和转型是生态社会主义经历的三个阶段。

    The TWES experienced three stages from germination , development and expansion to maturity and transformation .

  15. 在当代,生态社会主义发展观既有理论价值,又有实践价值。

    In contemporary , theEco & socialist view of development has both theoretical value and practical value .

  16. 从对外政策方面来讲,生态社会主义反对战争,主张世界和平;

    In the area of diplomacy eco-socialism opposes armed conflicts and maintains the peace of the world .

  17. 自70年代以来,生态社会主义者一直关注生态社会主义与马克思主义的关系,有否定与肯定马克思主义生态思想两派。

    Since the 1970s eco socialists have been concerned with the relationship between eco socialism and Marxism .

  18. 其次,生态社会主义批判传统经济增长社会发展观,主张可持续发展的社会发展观。

    Second , the eco-socialism criticizes the economic growth outlook , advocating the concept of sustainable development .

  19. 最后,具体阐述了生态社会主义理论对我国建成和谐社会的当代价值。

    Finally , it specifically addressed the ecological theory of socialism with contemporary values of our harmonious society .

  20. 红与绿的交融:生态社会主义理论旨趣探析

    Mixture of " Red " and " Green " : Analysis of Main Purpose of Ecologic Socialist Theory

  21. 社群主义兴起的社会背景及现实意义佩珀生态社会主义思想及其现实意义

    The background of the rasing of communitarianism and its realistic magnificance ; Pepper 's Ec-socialism Thought and Practical Significance

  22. 并疏理和评析了生态社会主义的生态发展观与马克思主义的渊源关系;

    And cleared up and commented the original relationship between views of ecological development in ecological socialism and Marxism ;

  23. 总之,虽然生态社会主义蕴涵某些有益的思想,但是它仍是一种不成熟的理论,尤其是缺乏像科学社会主义那样的革命性和可操作性。

    But it is still an immature theory , particularly lacking of revolutionary and maneuverability that the science socialism has .

  24. 本文第一部分主要介绍了生态社会主义产生的时代背景及其演变过程。

    The first part of my paper I mainly describes the background of eco-socialism and the process of its evolution .

  25. 本文第三部分详细介绍了生态社会主义的主要理论主张及对其的评价。

    In the third part of my paper I mainly elaborate the theory of eco-socialism and the commence on it .

  26. 介绍了生态社会主义第三代代表人物乔治。拉比卡的生态社会主义思想。

    George Labica 's ecological socialism thought is introduced , who is the third generation representative of the ecological socialism .

  27. 而生态社会主义则发展了生态&社会的理论范式,将马克思的自然理论运用到对当代社会生态问题的分析之中。

    And ecological socialism develops the eco-social paradigms adapting Marxist natural theory to the analysis of the contemporary ecological problems .

  28. 沙夫开创了生态社会主义的发展方向,并提出了未来社会主义的基本构想。

    Schaff pointed out the developing direction of Eco-socialism , and initiated the basic concept of Socialism in the future .

  29. 此外,生态社会主义强调要保持自然和社会和谐发展的局面,强调社会可持续发展对我们国家来讲也不无裨益。

    And eco-socialism maintains such a situation in which nature and society can develop harmoniously and realize sustained economic development .

  30. 本文第四部分介绍了生态社会主义的发展对中国特特色社会主义事业的启示。

    In the fourth part of my paper I mainly elaborate that ecological socialism gives many inspirations for our socialist constructions .