
  • 网络Life on earth;The Evolution of Life
  1. 他也将估定这些变化如何相互关联,它们是否与风化、山体建造和冰川的潮汐有关,它们如何能影响到生命的进化,植物和动物如何改变空气和大海的化学成分。

    He will assess how these changes correlate , whether they are related to weathering , mountain building and the ebb and flow of glaciers , how they could have affected the evolution of life , and how plants and animals might themselves have altered the chemistry of air and sea .

  2. 细菌Fe(Ⅲ)还原在生命的进化和整个生物地球化学循环中起到重要作用,具重要的环境学意义。

    In addition , bacterial Fe (ⅲ) reduction play important roles in the biological geochemistry circulation and environmental remediation , therefore has vital environmental significance .

  3. 随着不同的分子测序技术的飞速发展使得大量的DNA分子数据不断涌现,这给生物学家提供了大量的数据使其实现重构地球上所有生命的进化树的梦想。

    With the rapid development of sequencing technologies , molecular data are accumulated with unprecedented pace which enable biologists to reconstruct the tree of life of all the organisms in the world .

  4. 他的人生致力于众生的开悟和生命的进化过程。他让人们体验的这个过程是人类进化中的下一步。

    His life is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings and the Process of transformation that he offers to discover is the next step in the human evolution .

  5. 生命的进化,是不同尺度上优化选择的综合结果。与物质生命相比,信息生命的进化才是进化理论的主要内容。

    The evolution of certain creature forms is the result of optimizing selection on different scales . Comparing to substance , the evolution of information is a major part of evolutionism .

  6. 这意味着基因里这部分序列的进化非常慢,随着时间流逝,由这部分序列编码的蛋白质的进化率并没有与生命的进化过程同步。

    This means that these parts of genes evolve particularly slowly , making the proteins they encode for not as good as they could be had evolutionary processes been more able to improve them over time .

  7. 但冯诺依曼成功了;一直到1953年,他的计算机白天模拟核爆炸,晚上为尼尔斯巴里瑟里(nilsbarricelli)创建的人工生命形态的进化做模型。

    But von Neumann got his way , and by 1953 his machine was simulating nuclear explosions by day and modelling the evolution of artificial life forms , the creations of Nils barricelli , by night .

  8. 早期地球的环境变化和生命的化学进化

    The environmental change of the primitive earth and the chemical evolution of life

  9. 在地球上最早的生物出现之前,有机物经历了漫长而复杂的化学进化过程,称为生命的化学进化。

    The elongated and complicated chemical process before the earliest cellular organism is defined as the chemical evolution of life .

  10. 在生命漫长的进化过程中,性别的遗传是高度保守的,不同进化地位的物种在控制性别发育的过程中有着不同的决定机制。

    Inheritance of gender is highly conserved in the long-term evolution . Animals have different sex regulatory determination mechanism during development .

  11. 地球上生命的化学进化与非生物部分的早期演化过程,是密切地相互关联、相互作用并相互制约的。

    The chemical evolution of life and the early evolution of the earth 's lifeless components constituted a set of interrelated , interactive and restricted processes .

  12. 层的大堂垂直带出了一年四季的气息;而四款特别房间的设计则横向地展现生命不同的进化。

    The12 lobby floors create a vertical experience through each month of the year reflecting the different weather and seasons , while four varying room types depict stages of life development .

  13. 生命的意义是进化成神。

    The goal of the life is to be devine .

  14. 为此,采用进化算法中的遗传算法优化露天矿开拓运输系统,将生命科学中的进化及遗传原理用于工程技术中,为矿山优化技术提供一种新的技术途径。

    The genetic algorithm in the evolutionary algorithm is used to optimize the transport system in open-pit development , which applies the evolutionary and genetic principles in the life science to the engineering technology , thus providing a new technical way for mine optimization .

  15. 生命有其自身的进化过程。

    Life has its own evolutionary process .

  16. 基于生命期引导的生态进化模型

    Ecological Evolution Model Guided by Life Period

  17. 个体生命的有限是生物进化的前提,这一点自然离不开对生与死的考虑。

    It was of course tacitly included in our consideration of individual mortality as a prerequisite of biological evolution .

  18. 这一切似乎表明他们活着,除非无生命的物种也能进化,这似乎是一个相当奇怪的说法。

    All this seems to indicate they 're alive , unless nonliving organisms are also capable of evolution , which seems like a pretty odd thing to even suggest .

  19. 可持续发展难以克服的困境&生命平等与人的进化和社会发展的矛盾,使可持续现代化也无法缓解当代面临的社会和自然危机;

    The predicaments , uncurable by sustainable development-friction between equality to life and human evolution and social development , have made the current social and natural crises formidable to sustainable modernization .

  20. 这样,在相对稳定的气候条件下高级陆地生命就会拥有足够的进化时间。然而,至于在行星轴变化期间高级生命会遭遇什么情况,这一点仍然不明。

    That would leave ample time for advanced land life to evolve under relatively stable climatic conditions & although what would happen to such life during an axial shift remains unclear .

  21. 该文借鉴个体进化的生命周期性,提出了一种基于生命期引导的生态进化模型。

    In reference to the individuals ' life periodicity , an ecological evolution model guided by life period is proposed in this paper .

  22. 认为三界学说和生命第三形式的建立和发展是对生命革命认识的深化,其摒弃了以表型为主的分类体系,从基因层次揭示生命的进化。

    The founding and development of three boundary theory and the third from of life gives an in depth knowledge to look into life revolution , since it requests to study life revolution from gene level instead of the morphologically based classification system .