
  • 网络ZOO;London Zoo;ZSL London Zoo
  1. 我也认为如果伦敦动物园不复存在的话那真是太糟糕了。

    I agree that the demise of London zoo would be terrible

  2. 我特别喜欢伦敦动物园。

    I have a soft spot for London Zoo .

  3. 伦敦动物园正在搞催眠活动,帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。

    London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders .

  4. 昨日,伦敦动物园面临着关闭的命运,主要因为两个月来游客数量持续下滑。

    And yesterday the Zoo 's fate was sealed , largely due to two months of ever-dwindling entrance figures .

  5. 它们的妈妈Abi是1999年伦敦动物园里出生的最后一只狮子。

    Their mother Abi was the last cub to be born at the zoo in1999 .

  6. 伦敦动物园里照看2只科摩多龙的IanStephen说,其实他们十分聪明也很爱玩儿。

    Ian Stephen , who looks after two Komodos in London Zoo says the animals are actually very intelligent and love playing .

  7. 每天都有很多儿童到伦敦动物园去。

    Every day many children go to the London Zoo .

  8. 三只苏门答腊虎幼崽在伦敦动物园公开亮相。

    Three Sumatran tiger cubs made their public debut at the London zoo .

  9. 医生把照片送到伦敦动物园。

    The doctors sent it to London Zoo .

  10. 10年来伦敦动物园中总共出生了两只小狮子。

    The two cubs are the first to be born at the zoo in10 years .

  11. 游览伦敦动物园,里根公园,世界最古老的科学动物园。

    Explore ZSL London Zoo , Regent 's Park , the World 's oldest scientific Zoo .

  12. 在伦敦动物园里,一个玩具机械迅猛龙和一只真的犀牛鬣蜥遭遇面对面的对峙。

    The toy " Roboreptile " came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo .

  13. 女王收到的活物,包括那头来自喀麦隆、名为“珍宝”的大象,被送进了伦敦动物园。

    Most of the live animals she received , including the elephant called Jumbo from Cameroon , went to London Zoo .

  14. 我记得第一次见到你,我感谢上帝我们不是去伦敦动物园

    I remember the first time I saw you , I thanked God we were in driving distance of London Zoo .

  15. 伦敦动物园与其他一些英国动物园正试图增加园内动物的种类。

    London Zoo , along with other zoos in England , is currently involved in breeding programmes aimed at increasing numbers of the species .

  16. 该设计旨在为伦敦动物园引入益虫,且已经赢得了伦敦“走出蜂箱”设计大赛的桂冠。

    Bug Hotel , which is designed to bring helpful insects into London parks and just won the city of London 's " Beyond the Hive " competition .

  17. 虽然遭到华盛顿的忽视,但是奇奇在欧洲还算顺利,在访问了法兰克福、哥本哈根和柏林之后终于落户在伦敦动物园。

    Spurned by Washington , Chi Chi made a triumphal tour of Europe , visiting Frankfurt , Copenhagen , and Berlin before finally winding up at the London Zoo .

  18. 伦敦东南的绿园动物园跑出了一只小狮子。

    A young lion has escaped from Green Park Zoo in southeast London .

  19. 据称,卡拉和米歇尔在伦敦和其他地方时,她们一起去了伦敦动物园,看了突突车赛和老虎。

    While in London and elsewhere together , Cara and Michelle were said to take in the London Zoo , went tuk tuk racing and met a tiger .