
  • 网络talk show
  1. 他打开收音机,拨动旋钮,直至调到一个脱口秀节目。

    He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show .

  2. 但他在那之前一直主持脱口秀节目。

    But he 's been on the talk show circuit since then .

  3. 米歇尔在做客脱口秀节目“TheView”时穿的一条价值仅150美元的裙子曾引发一阵抢购风。

    Obama wore a $ 150 dress on " The View " talk show , which became an instant hit .

  4. 完整的采访内容将于明晚在罗斯主持的PBS电视台脱口秀节目中播出。

    The full interview will air tomorrow night on Rose 's PBS show .

  5. 我们的大陆游客十分热衷于台湾的政治脱口秀节目,台湾籍旅游顾问StevenLin表示。

    Our mainland tourists are crazy about our political talk shows , says Steven Lin , a Taiwanese travel agent .

  6. 他精通英语,他能够在吉米秀(美国ABC公司的一栏脱口秀节目)上展示富有智慧的幽默,他还担任visa的代言人。

    He became conversant in English , and could crack wise on Jimmy Kimmel 's show or play pitchman for Visa .

  7. 当“RedEye”开播的时候,Beth很讨厌它,因为即使节目有隐藏的魅力,它仍然是一个可怕的脱口秀节目。

    See when " Red Eye " started , Beth was right to hate it because despite its hidden charms , it was a horror show .

  8. 事实上,在几年前,脱口秀节目《观点》(theView)的制作人曾有意邀请布西曼作为嘉宾,为该节目四位暴躁的女主持人传授发泄怒火的最佳方法。

    In fact , a couple of years ago , a producer for talk show The View called Bushman as a potential guest who would teach four angry women , the show 's hosts , how best to vent .

  9. 令人郁闷的是,深夜脱口秀节目主持人大卫•莱特曼(DavidLetterman)对人们行为的影响甚至比太阳还要大。

    Rather depressingly , late-night talkshow host David Letterman outshines the sun in his effect on what people are doing .

  10. 今年,科南•奥布赖恩(ConanO'Brien)为其深夜脱口秀节目制作了一个参观英特尔的节目。

    Conan O'Brien filmed a visit to Intel this year for his late-night talk show .

  11. 包括NBC电视台《今日》(Today)在内的一些早间新闻脱口秀节目,不时会引用所谓最新“研究成果”的耸人听闻的数据来挑战传统医学智慧。

    His aim : to debunk the type of " studies " typically cited on morning talk shows such as NBC 's Today thatpurport to challenge conventional medical wisdom withsurprising new data .

  12. 埃伦·德杰尼勒斯(EllenDeGeneres)主持的脱口秀节目今年1月登录搜狐网,成为在中国播出美国脱口秀节目第一人。此外,搜狐还签约了美国喜剧小品类综艺节目《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)。

    Ellen DeGeneres became the first to air a U.S. talk show in China in January on Sohu , which also signed on comedy sketch program ' Saturday Night Live . '

  13. 安妮·海瑟薇在《seeWhatHappensLivewithAndyCohen》(脱口秀节目)中透露,剧本已经准备好了,正在等待第三部电影的开拍,而且她非常希望能参与其中。

    Anne Hathaway revealed on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen that - not only is a script ready and waiting for the third movie - but she is definitely keen to get involved .

  14. 这位23岁的女星现身于纽约极具代表性的埃德沙利文剧场,在这里她参加了脱口秀节目《LateShowwithDavidLetterman》,主持人就她的新角色对她进行了采访。

    The 23-year-old star was making an appearance at New Yorks iconic Ed Sullivan Theatre , home of The Late Show With David Letterman where she was interviewed by the genial host about her latest role .

  15. NPR记者马丁·卡斯特报道,有消息称周日早上的政治脱口秀节目对这一话题进行了讨论。

    NPR 's Martin Kaste reports on what some hear as the sounds of compromise on the Sunday morning political talk shows .

  16. 从2010年开始在美国有线台TBS主持深夜脱口秀节目《Conan》。

    Since November 2010 he has hosted Conan , a late-night talk show that airs on the American cable television station TBS .

  17. 《今夜秀》,自1954年在NBC播出以来,是美国最早播出的电视脱口秀节目,也是迄今为止播出时间最长娱乐脱口秀。

    The Tonight , an American TV talk show , was firstly broadcast by NBC in 1954 and is now the longest currently-running entertainment program in the United States .

  18. 他参照美国脱口秀节目主持人的话说:“我一直想和JayLeno见面,”说这话之前他自己就笑了起来。

    Referencing the American chat show host , he quipped : ' I 've always wanted to meet Jay Leno , ' before laughing to himself .

  19. 脱口秀节目《吉米鸡毛秀》的“儿童圆桌会议”环节中一名儿童戏称要“杀死所有中国人”,这句话使节目陷入水深火热的境地之中。目前ABC广播公司已经公开道歉。

    Jimmy Kimmel Live found itself in hot water after a remark during the Kid 's Table section of the show when one youngster joked about ' killing everyone in China " and its network ABC has now apologised .

  20. 这里还居住过大量名人,包括歌手吉米·巴菲特(JimmyBuffett)和瑞奇·马丁(RickyMartin),新英格兰爱国者队的四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(TomeBrady),以及脱口秀节目主持人凯莉·里帕(KellyRipa)。

    And it has been home to numerous celebrities , including the singers Jimmy Buffett and Ricky Martin , the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and the talk show host Kelly Ripa .

  21. 美国ABC电视台制作的晚间脱口秀节目《吉米·坎摩尔秀》总是能发掘跟孩子们有关的各种幽默搞笑片段。吉米叔最新的恶作剧作品,就是让家长告诉孩子们一个惨绝人寰的消息:爸爸妈妈吃光了你们的万圣节糖果。

    Late-night television host Jimmy Kimmel has become known for mining the gold mine of humour that children provide - and in his latest prank manages to convince some devastated kids that all the Halloween candy has been eaten by their greedy parents .

  22. 在他的第5频道电视台播出的脱口秀节目DomenicaLive上,这位76岁的亿万富翁在一个内容广泛的访谈中说他已经和27岁的女友弗朗西斯卡•帕斯卡尔订婚。

    In a wide-ranging interview aired on the talk show ' Domenica Live ' on his Canale 5 TV network , the 76-year-old billionaire said he was engaged to Francesca Pascale , his 27-year old girlfriend .

  23. 我还要特别感谢BradPitt我知道你不是很喜欢上脱口秀节目不过我非常开心你能来我这

    I got to say a very very special thank you to Brad pitt , I know you don 't like doing a lot of talk shows , but I 'm happy you decided to do me .

  24. 其中一位后继者吉米·金梅尔(JimmyKimmel)在美国广播公司主持自己的深夜脱口秀节目,金梅尔是如此地崇拜莱特曼,以至于他在周三夜间,为了不把观众的注意力从莱特曼那里吸引走,重播了一个旧集子。

    One acolyte , Jimmy Kimmel , the host of his own late-night talk show on ABC , was so worshipful he ran a rerun on Wednesday so as to not pull focus from Mr. Letterman .

  25. 我们非常希望能请到这些人来上节目,张启楷(ChangChi-kai)表示,他是TVBS频道周末晚间一档重要脱口秀节目的主持人。

    We would love to get some of these people on air , says Chang Chi-kai , host of the main weekend evening talk show at the channel TVBS .

  26. 前英公爵夫人佛姬将主持美电视台脱口秀节目

    British Ex-Duchess of York Fergie to Host US TV Talk Show

  27. 这一分成两集的脱口秀节目吸引了全世界的2800万名观众。

    The two-part show drew 28 million viewers around the world .

  28. 昨天我逐一参加所有的脱口秀节目。

    I did the rounds of all the talk shows yesterday .

  29. 对于英语学习者而言,观看脱口秀节目是一种很好的练习方法。

    Watching talk shows is good practice for English learners .

  30. 多丽丝是这个新脱口秀节目的嘉宾。

    Doris is the guest on the new talk show .