
tuō lí
  • disengage;divorce;break away;isolate;be divorced from;break away from;withdraw;secede;disaffiliate;separate oneself from;isolate oneself from;abscission, abjunction;come unstuck
脱离 [tuō lí]
  • (1) [break away;separate oneself from;be divorced from]∶离开

  • 脱离旧家庭

  • (2) [isolate oneself from]∶断绝

  • 脱离危险

脱离[tuō lí]
  1. 异步处理支持Web站点脱离以页面为中心的模型,这种模型在收到每个用户请求时都会刷新页面。

    Asynchronous processing enables a Web site to break away from the page-centric model , where every user request spawns a time-consuming page refresh .

  2. 这主要表现在通过这项技术解决结构形状优化领域中连续体结构的设计变量的选取问题,以及解决优化算法与CAD技术脱离的问题。

    It particularly showed on deal with the selection of design variables of continuum in shape optimization methods and removing the problem that optimization arithmetic break away from CAD technology .

  3. 要是你跌倒了,滑雪板就该脱离靴子。

    The skis should detach from the boot if you fall .

  4. 争论脱离了讨论的主题。

    The debate veered away from the main topic of discussion .

  5. 他沮丧时便感到完全脱离了现实。

    When he was depressed , he felt utterly divorced from reality .

  6. 运输部门将脱离出来组建为一家独立公司。

    The transportation operation will be spun off into a separate company .

  7. 这个决定意味着在很大程度上脱离了原先的政策。

    This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy .

  8. 巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。

    The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903 .

  9. 他的激进观点使他脱离了美国政治的主流。

    His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American politics .

  10. 这种决定绝不能脱离实际。

    This kind of decision cannot ever be made in a vacuum .

  11. 医生说她已脱离危险。

    Doctors said she is now out of danger .

  12. 她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。

    When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him .

  13. 滑雪板与靴子脱离了。

    The ski had become disconnected from the boot .

  14. 这节货车车厢脱离了列车。

    The wagon broke free from the train .

  15. 他的理论有点儿脱离现实。

    His theories are somewhat remote from reality .

  16. 她感到自己已脱离了过去的生活方式。

    She felt estranged from her former existence .

  17. 不要误以为我们已脱离危险。

    Don 't be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet .

  18. 人们觉得政府已脱离了民众。

    It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people .

  19. 他似乎完全脱离了现实。

    He seems completely divorced from reality .

  20. 男孩已脱离生命危险,但病情仍很严重。

    The boy 's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious

  21. 他说他们脱离现实,总是沉浸在过去。

    He said they were unrealistic and steeped in the past .

  22. 这个团体在1932年脱离工党。

    The group broke away from the Labour Party in 1932 .

  23. 1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。

    In 1816 , Argentina declared its independence from Spain .

  24. 他正脱离其前任的政策和风格。

    He 's backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor

  25. 阿伦变得越来越脱离好莱坞的主流了。

    Arran became increasingly estranged from the mainstream of Hollywood .

  26. 不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。

    Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory .

  27. 他公开脱离该党,并谴责该党领袖背信弃义。

    He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders

  28. 巴布亚新几内亚1975年脱离澳大利亚正式独立。

    Papua New Guinea became independent from Australia in 1975 .

  29. 新加坡脱离马来西亚联邦成为一个独立的主权国家。

    Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state

  30. 通常情况下,最简单的办法就是让你自己脱离那个环境。

    Often , the simplest answer is just to remove yourself from the situation