
pín mín
  • poor people;pauper;destitute
贫民 [pín mín]
  • [poor people;pauper] 无固定工作且生活穷苦的人

  • 这里有很多城市贫民

贫民[pín mín]
  1. 有太多的贫民生活在十分拥挤的条件下。

    Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions .

  2. 封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。

    In feudal society poor people were forbidden to enter the imperial country estate .

  3. 他愤怒地谈论城市贫民的处境。

    He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor .

  4. 居住在市中心贫民区的孩子在教育方面可能处于不利的地位。

    Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged .

  5. 她是在利兹的贫民区长大的。

    She was brought up in the slums of Leeds .

  6. 社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。

    Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas .

  7. 这种暴力行为正标示了我们市中心贫民区的状况。

    The violence is emblematic of what is happening in our inner cities .

  8. 城市的一整片贫民区被炸为了平地。

    An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion .

  9. 政府大力推行改造内城贫民区的计划。

    The government pushed through schemes to rejuvenate the inner cities

  10. 贫民区有3/4的公寓没有暖气。

    Three-fourths of the apartments in the ghetto had no heat

  11. 他变成了那种贫民区里常见的醉鬼。

    He became a skid row type of drunkard .

  12. 城市贫民区的种族主义和犯罪仍然十分猖獗。

    Racism and crime still flourish in the ghetto .

  13. 位于20个市中心贫民区的学校在去年的测试中成绩最差。

    Schools in 20 inner-city areas produced the worst results in last year 's tests .

  14. 我们相信你能够重新分配这笔钱,以公平合理地照顾市中心的贫民。

    We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that 's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city .

  15. 他们捐助食物和衣服救济贫民。

    They have offered food and clothes for the relief of the poor .

  16. 为贫民举行了义卖。

    A bazaar was held for the poor .

  17. 他照应贫民。

    He ministers to the poor .

  18. 贫穷、疾病与罪恶在贫民区里到处可见。

    Poverty , disease and crime are common in the slums .

  19. 这个城市的贫民区

    the impoverished areas of the city

  20. “几近是一夜之间,富人们就对贫民们滋长出一种新的和的憎恨”(小托马斯P。奥涅尔)

    " Almost overnight , there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots "( Thomas P.O'Neill , Jr. )

  21. n.贫民区在贫民区里,贫困和疾病是很普遍的。

    slum Poverty and disease are common in the slums .

  22. 他经常推着我坐着的童车,穿过市场街(MarketStreet)的印第安人雕像,穿过玫瑰大道(RoseAvenue),来到贫民院。

    He would push me in my go-cart out Market Street past the statue of the Indian and on out Rose Avenue to the poorhouse .

  23. SantaMuerte是民间传说的圣人之一,这些圣人被墨西哥的贫民所崇拜。

    Santa Muerte is one of several unofficial folk saints , most commonly worshipped by the poor in Mexico .

  24. 因为参加免费瑜伽课,40岁的AliceNjathi可以从贫民区生活的压力之中暂时解脱出来,她说:

    Thanks to the free classes , 40 year old Alice Njathi can temporarily escape from the stresses of life in the slums .

  25. 然而,他没能遂愿,只能试图推销Packard卡车,住在纽约市曼哈顿岛西岸一个被称为“地狱厨房”的贫民区一间肮脏的廉租公寓里。

    Instead , he found himself trying to sell Packard trucks and living in a filthy tenement in Hell 's Kitchen .

  26. IvanPerez在社区市场公司谋得了一份工作,他说许多贫民区的人缺少的只是机会而已:

    One man , who found a job at the Community Market Ivan Perez , says many on Skid Row just need a chance .

  27. 26岁的瑜伽教练JoyceMurugi亲自经历了内罗毕的Mathare贫民区的暴力活动,对她来说,瑜伽提供了一个治疗创伤的好方法:

    For 26 year old Yoga instructor Joyce Murugi who experienced the violence in the Nairobi slum of Mathare first hand , Yoga provides an outlet for dealing with the trauma .

  28. Sierra说,如果城市不能做好准备,新的增长将导致“位置恶劣、缺少服务并往往位于城市周边地区的现有贫民区”的恶性扩张。

    Unless steps are taken to prepare cities , new growth will result in unplanned expansions of " existing slum settlements & poorly located , unserviced ghettoes , often on the urban periphery ," says Sierra .

  29. 南非通讯社sapa表示,该社一名记者在一个贫民区附近发现18具倒下的人体,但不确定这些是伤者还是死者。

    Sapa , the South African news agency , said one of its reporters had counted 18 bodies near a squatter camp , but it was not clear if they were wounded or killed .

  30. 令人遗憾的是贫民区的孩子。

    Sad fact is , a huge percentage of inner-city kids .