
  • 网络dilution
  1. 留村金矿降低损失率、贫化率的措施

    Measures to lower the loss and dilution rates in Liu-Cun Gold Mine

  2. 降低采矿贫化率与损失率的几个问题

    Some problem in lowering mining dilution ratio and loss ratio

  3. 通过采用BP神经网络来确定影响评价的难处理因素:选矿回收率,并通过曲线拟合来确定埋藏不同深度矿块的贫化率与损失率。

    By using BP neural network to determine the impact evaluation of the intractable factors , that is , recovery rates , and deploy curve fitting to determine the dilution rate and loss rate of mines buried in different depth .

  4. 在中文FOXBASE环境下介绍关于统计和分析采矿损失率和贫化率的管理系统,本系统开发考虑了计算机的软硬件环境。

    The paper introduced a management sys - tem for chinese Foxbase doing statistics and analysis for the rate of mining loss and dilution .

  5. 据统计,该矿生产期间综合回收率为59.84%,贫化率为18.44%,采切比为13.87m/kt。

    As is shown by statistics , the rate of recovery is 59.84 % , dilution ratio is 18.44 % , the stripping ratio is 13.87m/kt .

  6. 矿石贫化率取决于放矿参数。

    The ore dilution rate depends on the ore drawing parameters .

  7. 开采薄层铀矿床中降低贫化率的经验

    Experience on reduction of Ore-dilution in mining a thin-bed uranium deposit

  8. 高进路低采高采矿法对降低贫化率的意义

    The sense of low-mining-height advance mining in decreasing dilution rate

  9. 遂昌金矿降低采矿损失率及矿石贫化率的生产实践

    The practice of lowering ore loss and dilution ratio in Suichang Gold Mine

  10. 铀矿开采中损失率和贫化率的计算及降低损失贫化的意义

    Calculations of loss and dilution in mining of uranium deposits and their economical evaluation

  11. 放顶煤开采顶煤贫化率优化研究

    Study of optimization on the dilution ratio of roof coal in sublevel caving mining

  12. 一方面,采矿设备和基础设施的落后增加了矿石的贫化率,浪费了矿产资源。

    Inferior infrastructure and equipment raises the dilution rate of ores , thereby wasting mineral resources .

  13. 矿石的贫化率与损失率较高,是造成资源浪费和制约企业经济效益的突出问题。

    Higher dilution and loss rates will result in waste of resources and restriction of economic benefit .

  14. 降低缓倾斜薄矿体铝土矿地下开采损失贫化率方法探讨

    Discussion on Decreasing the Dilution and Loss Rate of Underground Mining Alumyte of Gently Dipping Thin Ore Body

  15. 非均匀度与矿石损失贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between heterogeneous degree of loose body and the rate of ore dissipation and dilution

  16. 浅谈矿山企业控制和降低采矿损失率与矿石贫化率

    Simple Discussion about the Control and the Decrease in Ore loss Rate and Ore Dilution Rate of Mine Enterprises

  17. 采矿贫化率与损失率的降低是采矿工作者重点研究和攻克的难点之一。

    The lowering of mining dilution ratio and loss ratio is one of major difficulties in front of mining researchers .

  18. 为提高矿石回收率,降低贫化率,目前胶结充填工艺在我国各大矿山得到了广泛的应用。

    Cemented fill is widely used in big mines all over the country to enhance ore recovery and reduce dilution .

  19. 矿石的损失率与矿石的贫化率是矿山企业在生产管理中最重要的两项指标。

    The dilation rates and loss rates of mineral are two most important indexes in the management of mine enterprises .

  20. 提高出矿品位的关键是降低采矿贫化率、损失率。

    The key measure to enhance the output ore grade is to minimize the depletion and loss of the ores exploited .

  21. 采矿损失率和矿石贫化率是表征一个矿山企业采矿技术水平和管理水平的重要参数。

    Mining loss and dilution are important indices that demonstrate the technology level of mining and management level of a mine .

  22. 矿石回收率与贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between the rate of recovery and dilution of ore in the process of the heterogeneous loose body drawing

  23. 根据胡家峪铜矿的有底柱崩落法实践,探讨降低矿石损失和贫化率的有效途径。

    The measures for reduction of oes losing and degrading are described based on the sublevel caving practice in Hujiayu Copper Mine .

  24. 矿块矿石回采率达50%多,贫化率6%左右。

    Ore block extractions , more than 50 % , and the rate of ore dilution , about 6 % ' , are obtained .

  25. 充填采矿法以其高回收率、低贫化率的优点,在开采较高价值的难采矿床中取得了突破性进展。

    With the advantages of high recovery and lost rate , flashing system obtains a breakthrough progress in mining high value and mining bed .

  26. 降低采场矿石贫化率和采矿损失率的有效措施用户无功管理对降损工作的影响分析及措施

    Effective measures to control ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate in mine stope Measures and Influence of User Reactive-load Management to Loss Reduction

  27. 矿山企业的开采回采率、采矿贫化率和选矿回收率应当达到设计要求。

    It shall see to it that the recovery rate and impoverishment rate in mining and recovery rate in ore-dressing meet the design requirements .

  28. 实践证明它具有采场生产能力大、工效高、贫化率和损失率低、安全条件好、经济效益高等优点。

    Experiments and practice have shown that this method is high in stope productivity and efficiency , low dilution and loss , safe and low cost .

  29. 获得了矿石回采率79.2%、贫化率24.07%和采出矿石品位36.26%的好指标。

    , the excellent indexes with ore recovery of 79.2 % , ore dilution rate of 24.07 % and mined ore grade of 36.26 % were obtained .

  30. 有色金属矿山企业的采矿回收率、选矿回收率和综合回收率普遍高于全国平均水平,采矿贫化率低于全国平均水平。

    The mining reclaiming ratio , dressing reclaiming ratio and comprehensive reclaiming ratio are higher than domestic average level , the mining dilution ratio is lower than it .