
  1. 妇联界域中单亲贫困母亲家庭问题研究

    The Studies of Single-Parent Mother Families in Poverty in the Domain of Women 's Federation

  2. 据介绍,1995年,中国人口福利基金会、中国计划生育协会等单位联合发起了“幸福工程&救助贫困母亲行动”。

    The Happiness Project was initiated in1995 and is jointly sponsored by the China Population Welfare Foundation and the China Family Planning Association .

  3. 最后,从强化政府责任,推进社会化运作和引导单身母亲自立自强三个层面提出朝阳市完善农村单身贫困母亲社会救助的对策建议。

    Finally , from strengthening the government responsibility , to promote social operation and guide the single mother free-standing self-improvement three aspects put forward in chaoyang countermeasures and Suggestions to improve the rural poor mother single social assistance .

  4. 贫困单亲母亲的社会救助&以天津市为例

    The Social Assistance of Single Mothers in Poverty & Take Tianjin for Example

  5. 起初,美国福利制度对贫困单身母亲给予无限时的援助。

    Originally , U.S welfare was a time-unlimited means of support for poor , single mothers .

  6. 中西部贫困地区母亲妇幼保健知识、态度及行为研究

    Analysis on women 's KAP of maternal and children 's health care in Mid-Western poor areas

  7. 年龄较轻的、经济较贫困的母亲的儿童接触二手烟的可能性更大。

    Children born to younger , poorer mothers were more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke .

  8. 城市贫困单亲母亲抚育子女的困难&济南市个案研究

    Difficulties and Resources in Raising Children of Poor Single-mothers in City & Take Jinan City as a Case

  9. 贫困的母亲与家庭应当获得健康食物与栖身之所以及良好的公共教育

    Believe that indigent mothers and families should have access to healthy food and a roof over their heads and a strong public education .

  10. 面临选择,一个贫困的单身母亲如何承担惊人的债务去埋葬一个她从未见过的叔叔?

    Faced with the choice , would an impoverished single mother take on the staggering debt of burying a great uncle she 'd never met ?

  11. 然而,对于那些出生在贫困家庭、母亲不得不一边工作一边没有任何补助地照顾他们的孩子来说,情况则大为不同。

    Children born into poor families where their mothers have to both work and care for them without paid help are in a very different situation .

  12. 我们那时虽然非常贫困,但母亲仍然给我订购了一套《世界文学名著》,每册39美分,每月一册。

    Though desperately poor , she signed up for a deal that supplied one volume of " World 's Greatest Literature " every month at39 cents a book .

  13. 为了探索适于贫困山区的母亲教育措施,对宁强试验点0~3岁儿童母亲的育教能力状况进行了调查。

    To explore the method of education on mothers ability to nurture children in mountainous areas , the investigation has been made to 0-3 ages children 's mother in Ningqiang experimental station .

  14. 贫困对单身母亲的孩子打击尤其严重,六岁以下的孩子由单身妈妈抚养有一半以上生活在贫困中。

    Poverty hit the children of single mothers particularly hard , with more than half of children under the age of six who were being raised by a single mum living in poverty .

  15. 由于家庭贫困,所以她的母亲决心教她坐直,这样她就不会经常躺在脏地板上。

    Her family live in poverty , so her motherwas determined to teach her how to sit upright so she wouldn 't spend too muchtime on dirty floors .

  16. 两年前,他也亲眼目睹了一个贫困孩子和她母亲前来参加自己女儿的生日派对,结果这对母女在派对上都很郁闷。

    Two years ago , at his daughter 's birthday party , he too witnessed an indigent child arrive with her mother , and both of them had a miserable time .