
lè shì
  • pleasure;joy;treat;delight;enjoyment;oasis;bit of jam
乐事 [lè shì]
  • [delight;joy;pleasure] 得意事;使人高兴或满意的事

  • 享受倾听他谈话的乐事

乐事[lè shì]
  1. 这次聚会结果成了一次耐力测试,而不是一件乐事。

    The party turned out to be more of an endurance test than a pleasure .

  2. 看电视是我们唯一的乐事。

    Watching TV is our only pleasure .

  3. 孩子们喜欢同父母一起分享各种兴趣和乐事。

    Children like to share interests and enjoyments with their parents .

  4. 热天游泳是天大的乐事。

    Swimming on a hot day is sheer bliss .

  5. 一般来说,跟别人去豪华餐馆吃饭会是件乐事。

    Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants

  6. 别处哪怕发生一丁点儿乐事,他们便会忘记自己的职责。

    They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere

  7. 他的信跟他的诗一样,读来令生活更添滋味,可谓一大乐事。

    His letters , like his poetry , are life-enhancing and a delight .

  8. 写这本书是一大乐事,辛苦绝对是心甘情愿。

    Writing this book has been a great pleasure , a true labour of love .

  9. 驾驶这架飞机是一件乐事。

    The aircraft was a delight to fly

  10. 泡个热水澡是我的最大乐事。

    Hot baths are my favourite luxury

  11. 你把款捐给村庄作为基金,看作是义务还是乐事?

    Do you consider contributions to the village funds a duty or a pleasure ?

  12. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。

    It 's a pleasure to work alongside such men .

  13. 当时我突然想到:为什么小时候帮爸爸清理梳子是一件乐事。

    It hit me then : why , as a child , helping Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure .

  14. 有一天,他出去打猎,突然,一阵狂风吹来,把他头上的帽子和假发一起吹跑了,此事成了狩猎活动中的一大乐事。

    One day he went out hunting . It was blowing rather hard at the time , and he hadn 't gone far before a gust2 of wind caught his hat and carried it off , and his wig too . This became a big amusement of the hunt .

  15. 但这些乐事也很难与能够荣幸的邀请到来自Mola的海伦夫人相比。

    But few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mola .

  16. 一名助手应和说,如果能看到这位前州长开着装甲车在洛杉矶转上一圈,那将是一件乐事&这种车比他偶尔开的悍马(Hummers)还要大上一些。

    An aide remarked that he would enjoy seeing the former governor drive it around Los Angeles - a slightly larger version of the Hummers he sometimes drives .

  17. 能听到这样一位能言善辩的发言人的演说真是一件乐事。

    It 's a pleasure to hear such an eloquent speaker .

  18. 那里还有其他种种乐事。

    There had been gaieties , too , of all sorts .

  19. 能实现蜂蜜“自给自足”是一大乐事。

    Being able to get your own honey is joyful thing .

  20. 我住院时你的来信对我是件乐事。

    Your letter was a joy when I was in hospital .

  21. 也许每一种关系不是一种乐事,便是一种刑罚。

    Maybe every relationship is either a joy or a sentence .

  22. 拜访他们真是一件乐事!

    It was a ( real ) treat to visit them !

  23. 完成一件困难的工作总是一大乐事。

    There 's always great joy in achieving a difficult task .

  24. 温斯顿平生最大的乐事是工作。

    Winston 's greatest pleasure in life was in his work .

  25. 偶尔坐着无所事事,也算是乐事。

    Sometimes it 's nice just to sit around and do nothing .

  26. 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。

    Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life .

  27. 在“开心日记”里记下十件你喜欢并且是关于你的乐事。

    List ten things you like about yourself in a'happiness diary ' .

  28. 这将是处理与贵公司的一大乐事。

    It would be a great pleasure dealing with your esteemed company .

  29. 国内外抱有敌意的记者都以嘲弄奚落他为乐事。

    Hostile journalists at home and abroad enjoyed ridiculing him .

  30. 与你共进餐将是我的一大乐事。

    It will afford me great pleasure to have dinner with you .