
  • 网络yueqing bay
  1. 乐清湾DIN、DIP分布数值模拟及其对重大海岸工程的响应

    Numerical Simulation of DIN & DIP Distribution in Yueqing Bay and Their Response to Important Coastal Engineerings

  2. 乐清湾养殖区富营养化现状分析与评价

    Analysis and assessment on eutrophication status in culture zone of Yueqing Bay

  3. 乐清湾滩涂大型底栖动物群落结构的时空变化

    Spatio-temporal variation of macrobenthic community structure of tidal flat in Yueqing Bay

  4. 浙江乐清湾海岸带地区旅游业发展研究

    Research on tourism development of Yueqing bay coastal zone in Zhejiang Province

  5. 乐清湾悬沙的浓度分布与运移

    Distribution and transport of suspended sediment in the Yueqing Bay

  6. 马尔科夫模型下的乐清湾湿地景观变化分析

    Landscape Changes of the Wetland in Yueqing Bay Based on Markov Model

  7. 乐清湾潮汐特征及对潮滩沉积作用的影响

    The tidal features and their effects on the sedimentary process in Yueqing Bay

  8. 乐清湾海域鱼类中多溴联苯醚的分布特征

    Distribution of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Marine Fishes from Yueqing Bay Sea Area

  9. 浙江乐清湾现代沉积与悬沙质量浓度分布特征及意义

    Modern sedimentation and suspension in Yueqing Bay , Zhejiang

  10. 乐清湾泥沙运动数值研究

    Numerical study on sediment transportation in Yueqing Bay

  11. 浙江乐清湾海岸带功能区划分与海洋产业发展

    Coastal Functional Zoning of Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang Province and Development of Marine Industries

  12. 浙江乐清湾海岸带地区资源开发与产业布局

    Resource Exploitation and Industry Distribution in the Coastal Zone of Yueqing bay in Zhejiang Province

  13. 浙江乐清湾资源环境特征及其邻近海岸带综合管理

    Environmental and resources characteristics and integrated coastal zone management of the Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang Province

  14. 乐清湾主要养殖贝类代谢生理研究及对养殖环境的影响

    The Study for Metabolism Physiology and Effects on Environment of Main Breeding Shellfish in Yueqing Bay

  15. 研究结果表明,乐清湾现代沉积主要以细颗粒沉降为主,粉沙和粘土总含量占90%以上;

    Results show that the recent sediments are mainly fine-grained composing 90 % of silt and clay .

  16. 乐清湾红树林和光滩大型底栖动物群落比较研究

    The comparative study on the macrobenthic community ecology between the mangrove swamp and the naked tidal flat at the Yueqing Bay

  17. 浙江乐清湾海岸带地区土地利用/土地覆盖变化及驱动力研究

    The Study on the Land Use / Land Cover Change and Driving Forces of Coastal Zone in Yueqing Bay of Zhejiang Province

  18. 乐清湾位于浙江省南部沿海,属半封闭型强潮海湾,拥有丰富的湿地资源。

    Yueqing Bay is located at the southern coast of Zhejiang Province , which is a half-closed bay with rich wetland resources .

  19. 乐清湾避风条件好,潮流动力强,含沙量小,具有较好的建港条件。

    Yue-qing Bay is a good place as a port for its ideal natural conditions such as safety basin , strong tide flow and low sediment concentration .

  20. 通过对乐清湾野外考察、表层沉积物的粒度分析和水样的悬沙质量浓度分析,探讨了乐清湾现代沉积和悬沙质量浓度分布特征。

    Upon a marine survey in Yueqing Bay , Zhejiang , on modern sedimentation and suspension , the distribution and concentration of sediment in the bay are studied .

  21. 人类活动干扰是乐清湾湿地景观时空变化的主要影响因素。

    According to the results of the prediction , human disturbance is the most important influential factor that caused the temporal and spatial landscape changes of the wetland in Yueqing Bay .

  22. 由于生态服务价值较高的滩涂、林地景观被大量围垦、开荒成为农田,以满足人口增长对粮食的需求,使得乐清湾整体的生态服务价值呈现了下降的趋势。

    Due to tidal flat and forest landscapes which had high ecosystem service value were reclaimed to farmland for the need of food , the total ecosystem service value of Yueqing Bay declined .

  23. 在阐述乐清湾地区海涂资源现状特征、开发状况的基础上,从自然和人文因素两方面探讨了研究区海涂演变的动力机制;

    On the base of the characteristics and the exploiting situation of coastal bottomland resource of Yueqing Bay , this article discusses the dynamic mechanism on the evolution of coastal bottomland from two aspects .

  24. 通过对19341968和1992年的海图对比研究表明:近期乐清湾各等深线所围水域面积持续减小。

    Comparing the water depth maps surveyed during 1934 , 1968 and 1992 , it is obvious that water areas enclosed by different water depth contours decreased continuously in the whole area of the bay .

  25. 本文从乐清湾海岸带地区的自然环境与社会经济条件出发,探讨了开展海岸带功能区划的必要性,提出了区划的基本方案。

    Proceeding from Viewed the natural environment and the social and economic conditions of Yueqing Bay coastal zone , the paper analyses the necessity of launching the coastal functional zoning and puts forward the basic zonation project .

  26. 在评价的8类景观中,湿地景观的生态服务价值量总量达到了57.24%,这表明乐清湾湿地生态系统对整体景观生态系统的服务价值具有决定性的贡献作用。

    In all of eight evaluating landscape types , the ecosystem service value of wetland landscape was up to 57.24 % , which indicated wetland landscape ecosystem contributed the most to the whole ecosystem in ecosystem services value ratio .

  27. 在分析乐清湾海岸带地区海洋产业发展现状与问题的基础上,运用层次分析法研究了该湾近期海洋产业的发展方向与主导产业。

    On the basis of the analysis on the present situation and problems of the marine industries in the Yueqing Bay , the orientation of development and the leading industries in the near future are studied utilizing the AHP .

  28. 本文以乐清湾形成的海洋地质地貌与动力沉积环境演变为背景,通过对生物多样性的评价,剖析了在海湾开发利用中存在的生态结构成分缺损、生态结构成分变化和生态功能失调等问题。

    This paper studies geological , geomorphological and sedimentary environment of the Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang Province by biodiversity judgement and analyses the limiting factors by defective and change of composition of ecological structure and imbalance of eco function .

  29. 本文以地理学、经济学、管理学等学科理论为指导,运用层次分析法等数学方法,对浙江省乐清湾海岸带地区的产业结构现状进行了分析,指出了当前在经济发展中存在的诸多问题。

    Under the direction of , using some methods such as the AHP , this thesis analyzes the actuality of the industry structure of the Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang province and puts forward many problems existing in the current economic development .

  30. 本文通过对乐清湾潮汐特征的研究,结合流路的模拟结果,阐述了湾内泥沙输运的途径,从而说明了潮动力对湾内潮滩沉积作用的影响。

    The effects , of tidal action in yueqing Bay , on the sedimentary process over the tidal flats are discussed in this paper , based on the study for the tidal features and on the simulation for the sediment transportation trajectory .