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  1. 猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的风格使音乐称为摇滚乐受欢迎世界各地。

    Elvis Presley made the music called rock " n " roll popular around the world .

  2. 我甘心没落在乐受的耻辱的深处--在模糊的快乐阴影之中。

    I gave myself up for lost in the depth of a glad humiliation --- in the shadow of a dim delight .

  3. 恶人的心,乐人受祸,他眼并不怜悯邻舍。

    The wicked man craves evil ; his neighbor gets no mercy from him .

  4. 通俗乐代表了受大众喜爱的音乐风格,像木匠兄妹的音乐即吸引广大的群众。

    Pop music represents popular styles like the music of Karen Carpenter that have wide appeal .

  5. 通俗乐代表了受大众喜爱的音乐风格,像卡朋特兄妹的音乐即吸引广大的群众。

    Pop music represents popular styles - like the music of Karen Carpenter - that have wide appeal .

  6. 你不觉得这里太吵了吗?那些摇滚乐!我受不了了!

    Don 't you think it 's too noisy here ? The rock music ! I can hardly bear it .

  7. 黑管混合和对照其他乐器的能力,使得它在室内乐里很受欢迎,并成为一个独奏乐器。

    The able of a clarinet to blend and contrast with other instruments makes it popular for chamber music and as a solo instrument .

  8. 难道我们从神得福乐,不也受灾祸么?

    Should we receive the good from God but not receive the ill ?

  9. 源于美国的嘻哈乐也越来越受欢迎。

    Hip hop music from America is also getting more and more popular .

  10. 美国饶舌乐(RAP)是仅次于摇滚乐的最受大众欢迎的音乐形式,它与美国黑人的文化生活有着不可分割的联系。

    RAP is the most popular musical form that is second only to Rock'n Roll in the USA , whose origin and development are closely related to the cultural life of the Blacks .