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  1. 双论域的粗糙集模型

    Model of Rough Sets on the Double Universes

  2. 引进随机集的选择函数,给出了双论域上基于随机集的模糊粗糙集模型,用来解决知识库中的知识是由随机原因得到的、模糊的并且被描述的对象也是模糊的粗糙近似问题。

    Fuzzy rough set model based on random set on dual universes is proposed . It gives a way to deal with the uncertainty problems that knowledge in knowledgebase is fuzzy and gained by random reasons , and the described object is also fuzzy .

  3. 因此关于师生关系的双主体论比较符合实际。

    So the statement on double & principal part conforms to practice .

  4. 矿产勘查的双控论与合理域模型

    Mineral Exploration Model of Double Control and Reasonable Area

  5. 远程开放教育中教师与学生的双主体论

    The Teacher and the Student 's a Corpus Theory in The Distance Open Education

  6. 佐野良五郎的双因素论。

    The two-factor theory of Japanese theorist Zuoyeliangwulang ;

  7. 气液反应双膜论吸收速率及计算应用

    Absorption rate with gas-liquid reaction founded on theory of double film and application in calculation

  8. 用双因素论解释了顾客忠诚形成的动态过程。

    The dynamic forming process of CL is commentated by the " theory of double factors " .

  9. 从20世纪80年代初开始,我国教育理论界对师生关系展开持久的讨论,但不论是主导与主体论,还是双主体论等都没有脱离笛卡儿的二元对立思维模式。

    No matter teacher-dominated , or student-as-subject theory , or double-subject discussions , all has not disengaged from the Cartesian binary pattern .

  10. 本文探讨了英语词汇中的性别歧视现象,并在权势论和双文化论的方法基础上对该现象做了社会语言学分析。

    From the aspects of social pragmatics , this article analyses the existed semantic bias and prejudice in sex , race , class , area , profession , etc.

  11. 现代远程教育的师生观仍然具有双主体论的基本内涵,又有其自身的特殊性。

    The view of teachers and students on Modern Long distance teaching remains not only the basic content of double principal part but also its own particularity as well .

  12. 在概括阐述矿产资源与矿业开发特点的基础上,提出固体矿产合理勘查开发的双控论和合理域模型,建立了矿业风险投资与决策支持系统。

    The characteristics of mineral resources and mining industry are described , the mineral exploration and exploitation model of double control and reasonable area are put forward , and risky investment and policy-making support system are established also .

  13. 激励问题是当前以人为本管理思想中重要的问题之一,已经形成了一套较为成熟的理论体系,如马斯洛的需要层次论、赫茨伯格的双因素论等。

    Incentive question is one of the important questions about the theory of " people first " in the management thought . It has already formed a set of mature theatrical systems , such as Maslow need level discusses , Herzberg 's double-factors theory , etc.

  14. 德育双主体交往论

    Two Subjects Communication of Moral Education

  15. 藉由隐喻和转喻机制,双及物结构论元的语义属性得以扩展和延伸。

    Thanks to the metaphorical and metonymical mechanisms , the semantic properties of the arguments are extended .

  16. 论财务理论结构逻辑起点的重新构建&以资本和目标为起点的双逻辑起点论

    Reestablishment for The Logic Starting Point of The Framework of Financial Theory & A Double-logic-starting-point View Based on The Capital and Purpose

  17. 每逢有机会列举当时的人民鼓动者时,“古风旧德”的拥护者们往往把这两人双提并论,

    The two names were bracketed by the partisans of the " good old days ' whenever it was a question of castigating the upstart demagogues of the present .

  18. 然而,狄尔斐的神谕却把这两人双提并论,这种密切关系是有口皆碑的:这神谕就称苏格拉底为最聪明的人,但同时断定欧里庇德斯在斗智的比赛中应得第二名奖。

    The most famous instance of the conjunction of the two names , however , is found in the Delphic oracle which pronounced Socrates the wisest of men yet allowed that Euripides merited the second place .

  19. 双元财政论对复式财政的探索作出了历史贡献,但也日益暴露出其局限性,需要进一步发展和完善。

    " Dual Financial Theory " has made historical contribution to the exploration of " double entry finance " pattern , but the theory needs to be further developed and perfected as its limitation is gradually exposed .

  20. 当体系的schrǒdinger方程只有连续定态解时,在任一态上求任何力学量的期待值都将得到零或无穷大,本文建立了连续谱体系的双波函数量子论。

    When the schr ( o | ¨) dinger equation of a system has only the solutions of continuous stationary states , either zero or infinity expectation value can be obtained for an arbitrary observable in any stationary state .

  21. 康有为的书法艺术思想&《广艺舟双楫》散论

    Kang Youwei 's Artistic Thought on Chinese Calligraphy

  22. 经典的单粒子力学是双波函数量子论的经典情况.力学原理有微分类原理和变分类原理两大类。

    The classical mechanics for the system is the classical limit case of this new theory . The mechanical principals have two kinds of classification in classical mechanics : differential principals and variation principals .