
  • 网络Double master
  1. 拥有史丹福与哈佛双硕士学位。

    Kummerfeld holds master degrees from both Stanford and Harvard University .

  2. 他拥有信息研究和科学医学史研究的双硕士学位。

    He holds postgraduate qualifications in law , information studies and the history of science and medicine .

  3. 本项目是第一个由教育部推动的科学学位的双硕士学位项目。

    This program is the first international initiative promoted by Ministry of Education for double degrees of Master of Science in China .

  4. 她目前正在攻读双硕士学位,过去的一年中在北京大学学习,并将于秋天在伦敦经济学院继续学习。

    She is currently pursuing a double MSc degree , spending this past year at Peking University in Beijing and continuing her study at the London School of Economics in the fall .

  5. 对埃斯特林教授来说,首先就是增加管理硕士学位的修读人数。这一学位面向那些很少或没有工作经验的学生;第二就是增设管理和经济双硕士学位课程,它可能在2008年推出。

    First for Prof Estrin is to increase the number of students in masters degrees in management , intended for students with little or no work experience . Second is a joint masters degree in management and economics , which will probably be launched in 2008 .

  6. 双模式硕士研究生培养制度初探

    The Double-Model Cultivation System for Graduates

  7. 双少硕士研究生返乡服务调查研究报告&以恩施州为例

    A Survey of Minority Postgraduates from Ethnic Minority Areas Serving in Hometown & A Case Study of Enshi Region

  8. 不,这不是你的双学士,硕士或博士学位。

    No , it 's not your double degree , MBA or phd .

  9. 目前我国的硕士研究生培养模式已初步形成了学术型与应用型并存的双元化硕士研究生培养模式。

    At present , the postgraduate training model in our country has become a dual coexistence model of academic and professional postgraduate cultivating model .