
shuānɡ chónɡ rèn wù
  • double task
  1. 在人均GDP超过1000美元之后,我们面临着实现经济增长与缩小分配差距的双重任务。

    When the average GDP exceed 1000 dollars , we face the double task that keeping the growth of economy and reducing the income gap .

  2. 本研究采用单因素实验设计,以30名大学生为被试,基于双重任务范式,考察了前瞻任务为材料驱动的情况下,前瞻记忆语音、字形适当迁移加工(transfer-appropriateProcessing,TAP)效应。

    With a single factor design and 30 participants from ECNU , this research studied the prospective memory transfer appropriate processing ( TAP ) effect under a double task paradigm when prospective task is data driven .

  3. 没有用来编辑工作的用户控件,这是因为JobsAddJob.ascx控件执行双重任务,它为添加工作和编辑工作均提供支持。

    There is no user control for editing a job because the Jobs_AddJob.ascx control does double duty , providing support for both adding and editing jobs .

  4. 48h睡眠剥夺对正常人双重任务能力和疲劳感的影响

    Effects of 48 h sleep deprivation on dual task ability and fatigue

  5. Sternberg双重任务作业绩效与情绪稳定性及心率变异性的关系

    Relationship between Sternberg dual task performance , emotional stability and heart rate variability

  6. 基于多重任务的心理信息加工原理,提出一种可以更好地利用分离的双重任务操作绩效测量和计算操作者手脚协调能力的方法,并提出手-脚协调估计值K的计算方法。

    A new method of measuring subjects ' ability to coordinate hand-foot movements by an index of Coordination Level of Hand Foot was suggested on the basis of principles of time-sharing and dual tasks performance .

  7. 分析Sternberg双重任务作业成绩、飞行基本能力、情绪稳定性以及HRV的关系。

    The relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , flying ability , emotional stability and heart rate variability was studied .

  8. 结果:Sternberg双重任务作业成绩好组与作业成绩差组基本能力无显著性差别。

    RESULTS : No significant difference was found in the flying ability between the individuals with good and poor Sternberg dual task performance .

  9. 目的:通过难度递增式Sternberg双重任务作业诱导被试的情绪反应,考查不同难度测验中个体作业绩效与情绪稳定性和心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨情绪情境诱导方式。

    AIM : To explore the situation induced module of emotion by analyzing the relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , emotional stability and heart rate variability .

  10. Sternberg双重任务测验能够较好地评价飞行员的快速反应能力和实际操纵能力等。

    Conclusion The multiple criteria evaluation system for flight ability was established , Sternberg dual task test can be used to evaluate the rapid reaction ability and the actual operating ability of pilots .

  11. Sternberg双重任务作业主任务为跟踪作业,副任务为选择反应时作业.根据选择反应的难度,副任务分为3个等级。

    In Sternberg dual task , the primary task was tracing and the secondary task was selective reaction time , the latter of which was composed of three difficult levels by different dimensions of the selective reaction .

  12. 结果与安慰剂相比,唑吡坦对中枢能力产生明显不良影响:心理运动能力呈下降趋势、双重任务正确率明显降低(P<0.05)、主观嗜睡度显著增加(P<0.05),用药后约6h恢复正常;

    Results Compared with administration of placebo , the psychomotor performance and correct rate of dual task were significantly lowered ( P < 0.05 ) and subjective sleepiness was significantly increased ( P < 0.05 ) after administration of zolpidem and restored to normal 6 h later .

  13. 根据BaddeleyHitch(1974)提出的工作记忆三成分模型,实验4、实验5和实验6采用双重任务的实验范式,探讨了工作记忆三大子系统在运动技能内隐学习中的作用。

    According to the three-component model of working memory proposed by Baddeley Hitch in 1974 , the dual tasks paradigm was adopted to explore the roles of the three major subsystems of working memory in implicit motor learning in experiments 4 , 5 and 6 .

  14. 方法14名健康男性青年在睡眠剥夺条件下,每间隔4h进行光标追踪、Oddbal模式视反应双重任务测试、双手追踪测试及POMS情绪情感量表测试。

    Method Fourteen healthy male subjects ( aged 19  ̄ 21 ) underwent sleep deprivation up to 48 hours . During which dual task test ( tracking and visual reaction to oddball mode ), two hand tracking , as well as completing POMS questionnaire well done every 4 hours .

  15. 处理双重任务时心理旋转的事件相关电位研究。

    Studies on ERP and mental rotation while performing dual task .

  16. 双重任务系列测验在民航飞行员选拔中的应用

    Development of dual-task psychological tests in selection of civilian pilots

  17. 作业难度越大,双重任务的操作绩效越差。

    The higher the competition , the worse the dual - task performance .

  18. 间隔时间越大,双重任务的作业绩效越好。

    The longer the SOA , the better the dual - task performance .

  19. 模拟飞行条件下双重任务时飞行员心理生理参数的变化特点

    Changes in psychophysiological indices in pilots during dual task flight on a simulator

  20. 这种双重任务意味着,确定哪个优先并不容易。

    That dual mandate means that it is not easy to set priorities .

  21. 目前我国产业结构调整的双重任务及其对策

    Double Tasks at Present for Readjusting the Structure of Industries in Our Country

  22. 双重任务操作的理论和实验研究

    Theories and Experiment Studies on Dual-Task Performance

  23. 第二,智囊兼具谋划与执行的双重任务;

    Second , the brain truster has the double task with the plot and execution .

  24. 高校教师担负着育人和创新的双重任务。

    The college and university teachers shoulder the double tasks of training successors and innovation .

  25. 我国的档案工作面临现代化和信息化的双重任务。

    The archive work in our country faces double tasks , the modernization and information construction .

  26. 中国正面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。

    China is confronted with the dual mission of developing the economy and protecting the environment .

  27. 两个作业呈现的间隔时间不同并不影响作业难度对双重任务操作绩效的作用。

    The SOA between the two tasks is independent of the effect of the resource competition .

  28. 处于转型期的中国社会同时面临着发展经济和控制风险的双重任务,社会风险问题也是层出不穷。

    The double duty in the transformation period is confronted with controlling risks and developing economy .

  29. 通过对不同双重任务的呈现间隔时间和不同任务难度的双重任务的操作研究,探讨了结构限制与资源竞争对双重任务操作绩效的影响。

    This research is focused on the effects of structure limitation and task difficulty in dual-task performance .

  30. 目的探讨心理生理学方法在双重任务脑力负荷评定中的意义。

    Objective To investigate the significance of various psychophysiological measures in assessment of mental workload of dual tasks .