
  1. 利用双探针对ECRPECVD装置中基片在射频偏置下的等离子体参数进行了测量。

    The plasma parameters in an rf-biased ECR-PECVD have been measured using double Langmuir probes .

  2. 利用气体放电双探针法研究了等离子体的I-V曲线中的电流I相对于电压V轴交点的不对称性,并提出2种可能的解释:一认为是由于两探针表面积不同引起的;

    The I-V curve of the plasma in gas discharge is measured using dual probe method , and an asymmetry of I-V curve is observed .

  3. 羽流是反映电推力器工作性能的重要依据,Langmuir探针诊断羽流等离子体参数有三种方法:单探针法、双探针法和三探针法。

    Plume is an important basis reflecting the working performance of the electric thruster . The methods of langmuir probe diagnosing plume plasma parameters divide into three ways : single probe method , double probe method and triple probe method .

  4. 双探针法测量液滴粒径分布的新数学模型

    A New Mathematics Model of Two-probe Technique for Measuring Droplet Size Distribution

  5. 利用朗廖尔双探针法初步研究了该螺旋波等离子体的特性。

    With a Langmuir double probe , the plasma 's properties have been studied preliminarily .

  6. 双探针法测量气液逆向穿孔流动的实验研究

    Study of Experimental Measurement on the Liquid-Gas Flow Countercurrent through the Holes by Dual-Probe Method

  7. 双探针法测量月壤热物性参数的影响因素分析

    The Influence Factor Analysis for a Dual-sensor Probe to Measure the Lunar Soil 's Thermal Properties

  8. 用对称双探极和非对称双探极分别诊断氖气中介质阻挡无声放电的电子温度和电子能量分布。

    The symmetrical and asymmetrical double probes have been used to diagnose the electron temperature and the electron energy distribution in the dielectric barrier discharge , respectively .

  9. 实验分别采用双探针法和发射光谱法对氧混合气体中的电子能量进行了分析。(3)针对平板射频放电单重氧发生器进行了实验研究。

    And the experiments of the Langmuir probe system and spectral analysis on electron mean energy were carried out . ( 3 ) The experiments of RF discharged singlet delta oxygen generator in slab structure have been done .

  10. 成矿能-克立格双模型在化探数据处理中的特殊功效

    Outstanding function of the combination of ore-forming energy and Kriging models in processing data of geochemical exploration