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  1. 在你职业生涯中的第三个十年,你会获得回报。

    In the third decade of your career , you sort of reap the rewards .

  2. 607080三个十年的温情与勇敢

    Three Decades of Tenderness & Bravery

  3. 论20世纪新文学第三个十年走向大众的中篇小说

    On the Third Decade Medium-Length Novel of " Toward the Masses " in the-20th-Century New-Vernacular Literature

  4. 第三个十年是中国现代小说中的心理描述系统的高度融合期。

    In the third period , the system of modem psycho-description trended to blend , western and ancient Chinese .

  5. 中国现代文学史上的第三个十年是烽火连天的十年,战争是这一时期的关键词。

    The third ten year of modern chinese literature is war-ridden ten years ," war " is the key word of the period .

  6. 生命的第三个十年虹影开始四处漂泊,并最终来到英国,成为一个流散作家。

    In the third ten year of her life , she began drifting aimlessly and arrived at England at last , becoming a free writer .

  7. 事实上,随着统一的德国跨入第三个十年,专家们担心,东、西差距可能会很快再次拉大。

    Indeed , as united Germany enters its third decade , experts are concerned that the gap between east and west could soon widen again .

  8. 20世纪新文学发展第三个十年(1937&1949)的中篇小说创作,无论在思想内容,还是在艺术形式和美学风格上,都表现出新的特色和多元化趋向;

    The works of the third decade medium-length novels in the-20th-Century new-vernacular literature demonstrate new characteristics and pluralistic orientation both in the thought content and in the art form and aesthetic style .

  9. 科学家称,曾被认为在青春期之后就已发育完全的大脑在人生的第三个十年期仍要继续发育,清除掉从未使用过的连接,加强剩余的那部分连接,最终达到成年人大脑的形态。

    The brain , once thought to be fully grown after puberty , is still evolving into its adult shape well into a person 's third decade , pruning away unused connections and strengthening those that remain , scientists say .

  10. 在此论文中,笔者采用年代划分方法,把内地流行音乐发展分成三个十年,通过分析内地三十年流行歌曲的发展脉络,对流行歌曲演唱进行全面深入探讨。

    In this paper , the author use classification methods , the development of popular music from the Mainland into three " decades " of the mainland by three " years " the development of pop music context , singing pop songs full of depth .

  11. 关于联合国第三个发展十年的新的国际发展战略

    New international development strategy for the third United Nations development decade

  12. 监测联合国第三个发展十年国际发展战略执行情况的选定社会-经济指标

    Selected socio-economic indicators for monitoring implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade

  13. 审查和评价联合国第三个发展十年国际发展战略执行情况委员会

    Committee on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade

  14. 第三个反对种族主义十年自愿基金

    Voluntary Fund for the Third Decade against Racism

  15. 但是中国12月份的出口量同比下降三个百分点——至少十年之内下跌幅度最大的一次。

    But Chinese exports fell almost three percent in December from a year earlier -- the sharpest drop in at least ten years .