
sān hǎo xué sheng
  • "three good" student
三好学生[sān hǎo xué sheng]
  1. 黄蓉同学是一名学习认真、工作努力、全面发展的学生,自就读仙华外国语学校以来,每个学期都被评为“三好学生”。

    Huang Rong , a hard-working and all-round student , was cited as a Three Good Student every semester since she studied at Xianhua Foreign Language School .

  2. 三好学生的模糊综合评选模型

    Model of ″ Three-good ″ Students Fuzzy Comprehensive Appraisal and Election

  3. 三好学生:一项教育社会学的研究

    " Straight a Student ": A Study on Sociology of Education

  4. 对建立科学的学生评价机制的几点思考&基于我国三好学生评选制度的改革研究

    Some Considerations on the Establishment of a Scientific Assessment System for Students

  5. 本人是优秀团员,三好学生。

    Xuejing is a outstanding student at her school .

  6. 这个外国人正在访问的那个男孩是个三好学生。

    The boy ( who ) the foreigner is visiting is a three-good student .

  7. 上学期我被评为三好学生。

    I was awarded Triple-A student last semester .

  8. 他象你一样是个三好学生。

    He like you is three-good student .

  9. 研究生阶段获得一等奖学金、自强助学金、优秀三好学生、优秀学生奖学金。

    First stage graduate scholarship , and self-improvement grants , Miyoshi outstanding students , excellent student scholarships .

  10. 大三的时候我荣获了三等奖学金,被评为“院级三好学生”。

    I also won the third scholarship , and was awarded the " triple-a student " honor this year .

  11. 学校乐队在星期一和星期三放学后演出。上学期我被评为三好学生。

    The school band practices on Mondays and Wednesdays after school . I was awarded Triple-A student last semester .

  12. 他尝试了好几次,但每次都失败了。我在大学里有好几次被评为三好学生。

    For several days whenever I came home from school . He made several tries , but failed each time .

  13. 据新华社报道:今年高考后,部分三好学生和优秀学生干部被查出不符合条件。

    High school graduates who are merit students or outstanding student cadres will be awarded a10-point bonus in college admission .

  14. 我在大学里有好几次被评为三好学生。

    I was honored as a " Three Virtues " in university serval times . What was your best subject in college ?

  15. 这一课需要好好学习。被评为“三好学生”

    The lesson needs to be well rubbed in . " Be cited as a " three-good student "( who is good morally , a academically and physically )"

  16. 我可是个三好学生哦,因为我爹老念说我找到赞助商的唯一途径就是在学校取得好成绩。

    RB : I was a great schoolboy because my father always told me that the only way for me to find sponsors is to have a good record in school .

  17. 在学校时我就是一名十分优秀的青年,获得省级优秀毕业生,和市级优秀班干部,优秀团员,优秀三好学生,全校演讲比赛一等奖!

    In school I was a very outstanding young graduates receive provincial fine , and municipal outstanding class cadres , outstanding members , three goods outstanding students , school speech contests award !

  18. 她当时是学生会的会计、国家荣誉协会成员,而且连续四年都是三好学生。

    She attended Whitney Young , Chicago 's first magnet high school , where she was student council treasurer , a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student .

  19. 我多次被评为“三好”学生。

    I was chosen as a " Three Goods " student for several times .