
  • 网络double circuit;double-loop;Dual Loop;dual-loop;two-loop
  1. H形电杆双回路馈线

    H-pole double circuit feeder

  2. 山东500kV输电线路单、双回路技术经济比较

    Technical & Economical Comparison of Single and Double Circuit 500 kV Lines of Shandong Province

  3. H∞回路成形直升机双回路控制系统设计

    Design of a Helicopter Two-Loop Control System Using H_ ∞ Loop Shaping Method

  4. 给出了一个实用的双回路PID控制器的组态实例。

    A configuration instance of a practical double-loop PID controller is provided .

  5. 通过仿真试验研究了双回路PID多种组合控制方案的可行性,并选出最佳方案&双回路PD-PD控制方案。

    The feasibility of multi - combination of the PID control with two loops is tested by simulation .

  6. 在此基础上,利用PID算法对四旋翼直升机姿态和位置进行控制,设计了一种直升机双回路控制器。

    On these bases , classic PID algorithm is adopted to control the attitude and position of the quad-rotors .

  7. 双回路EPR法测定奥氏体不锈钢的敏化

    Examination of sensitization of austenitic stainless steels by double-loop EPR test method

  8. 由于广义控制对象满足一定前提条件时H∞鲁棒控制问题才有解,因此分别采用双线性变换和双回路控制进行处理,同时适当选择加权函数。

    Because the controller will exist only when the augmented plant meets some preconditions , it was solved via the bilinear transform and double-loop control , and choosing suitable weighting functions .

  9. 220kV双回路SDJ终端塔的特殊应用

    Special Application of 220 kV Dual - loop SDJ Terminal Tower

  10. 用西门子300系列PLC控制器建立一套新的程序,采用串级控制方法,用进风温度和排风温度双回路控制加热蒸汽阀门开度。

    Siemens 300 series PLC controller are used to establish the program . The cascade control method of the inlet temperature and exhaust temperature of double-loop of the heating steam is used to regulate the valve opening .

  11. 220kV双回路直线铁塔带电整体升高方案实施

    Application of overall elevation scheme of 220 kV straight tower with double circuits

  12. 通过双回路电路模型的建立,解释了EFT瞬态过程中特有的负向电压这一特殊现象。

    Establishing a double-loop circuit mode , this mode can explain the special negative voltage phenomenon in EFT transient process .

  13. 原来首钢炼铁厂热风炉的燃烧控制采用的是PLC双回路比值PID调节控制,控制回路较为复杂,并且两个回路相互影响,调节效果较差。

    The originally way of burning controller adopts two loops of PLC with the control of PID . The controlled loop is very complex and the two loops influence each other . So the effect of adjusting is worse .

  14. 三峡500kV双回路铁塔波阻抗及电位分布研究

    Survey and Analysis of Surge Impedance and Potential Distribution of 500 kV Double Loop Steel Tower

  15. 该方案采用导前温度信号作为辅助反馈信号,构成串级ADRC-PID/ADRC双回路控制系统。

    In this scheme , the cascaded ADRC-PID / ADRC two-loop control system framework is constructed .

  16. 前、后制动器分别为前通风盘式制动器和实心盘式制动器,制动踏板为吊挂式踏板,带真空助力器,制动管路为双回路对角线(X型)布置,采用ABS。

    Before and after the brakes were a former ventilated disc brakes and solid disc brakes , brake pedal for the hanging pedals , with vacuum booster , brake pipe for dual-loop diagonal ( X type ) arrangement , using ABS .

  17. 但是由于燃油粘度控制系统是一个非常复杂的双回路闭环系统,具有非线性,时变性,大迟延等特点,传统的PID较难达到理想的控制效果。

    But because the fuel oil viscosity control system is rather complex system , which is double closed loop , non-linear , time varying , big hysteretic system , so it is difficult for the traditional PID controller to reach optimum control result .

  18. 500kV花都&博罗输电线路工程,采用ACSR-720/50大截面导线,四分裂,同塔双回路。

    4-bundled , ACSR-720 / 50 large-section conductor and double-circuit towers were used in Huadu-Boluo 500 kV transmission line project .

  19. 针对汽车双回路制动系管路II式、X式、HI式、LL式、HH式等5种布置形式,分析了对汽车制动效能及制动时方向稳定性的影响。

    On dual-circuit brake systems , which are adopted for safety reasons , two brake circuits can be arranged in5 ways in automobiles , such as the ways of " II "," X "," HI "," LL "," HH " .

  20. 摇臂抱杆组塔技术在1000kV特高压双回路钢管塔施工中的应用

    Application of Swing Arm Tower Crane Erection Technology in 1000 kV UHV Double Circuit Steel Pipe Tower Construction

  21. 1000kV双回路特高压输电塔顺风向等效静风荷载研究

    Equivalent Along-Wind Direction Static Wind Load of Transmission Tower for 1 000 kV Double Circuit Transmission Lines on Same Tower

  22. 介绍500kV双回路输电工程大吨位铁塔等截面斜柱基础的施工放样、开挖、浇筑、养护等。

    The setting out , excavation , concrete placing and curing about the constant cross section inclined footing foundation of the heavy tonnage steel tower of twin-channel 500 kV transmission line are described .

  23. 以500kV同塔双回路直线自立塔为例,研究了设置不同横隔面时结构的模态以及抗风内力与变形。

    Based on the design of a 500 kV double circuit tangent suspension tower , this paper analyzes the modal shapes and internal stresses and deformations of towers with different diaphragm arrangement subjected to wind loads .

  24. 本文介绍一种符合国家标准,采用国产元器件的大容量双回路双层高压开关(10KV)的研制情况及型式试验数据,以及在贵溪冶炼厂总降压变电站扩建工程中的应用情况。

    This article describes the developing of large volume high pressure switch ( 10kv ) with double circuit and double layer and some testing data , followed by its application into the transformer substation expansion in Guixi Smelter .

  25. 对220kV双回路SDJ终端塔进行设计改进,扩大其应用范围。改进后,不仅满足特殊线路进出线路进出线规划要求,同时节约占地面积,降低工程造价。

    Presents the design modification incorporated in 220 kV dual loop SDJ terminal tower to further expound its scope of application , which satisfies the planning requirements for special powerlines either going in or coming out , and reduces occupation area and engineering cost as well .

  26. 起重机双回路液压转向器及转向系统

    Dual circuit hydraulic steering gear and steering system for mobile crane

  27. 双回路高频焊机的设计应用

    The Design of the Double Return Circuit High Frequency Welding Machine

  28. 双回路调节器的皮带秤称重程序设计

    Program Design for Weighing by Belt Scale with Duplex Loop Controller

  29. 煤矿井下实现双回路供电的实践

    Coal Mine Shaft Realizes the Double Return Route Power Supply Practice

  30. 单相电容电动机的有功、无功双回路分析方法及设计考虑

    Method of Loops Analysis and Design of Single Phase Capacitor Motor