
  • 网络Era;The Big Time;The Greed of Man
  1. 11.大时代需要大格局,大格局需要大智慧

    A great era calls for great vision , which in turn requires great wisdom .

  2. 在许多领域,技术个性化的大时代只是刚刚开始。

    The era of personal technology is in many ways just beginning .

  3. 在世界一体化和城市化的大时代浪潮中,尤其是中国加入了WTO组织后,提高软实力以及加强城市文化建设成为我们跻身世界强国中而面临的重要任务。

    In the " world of integration " and " urbanization " of the great tide of the times , especially after China joined the WTO organization , to improve the " soft power " and Improve urban culture among the world powers in the important task .

  4. 第二单元:《大时代:中国话剧的挑战与机遇?》。

    Panel Discussion : A big time for Chinese Theatre ?

  5. 中国教育的大时代已经来临了。

    The big era of Chinese education has come .

  6. 在新的大时代面前,他们未能积极地调整好自己。

    In the new great era , they can 't adjust themselves in time .

  7. 从元古宙到第四纪沉积成矿系列对比的6大时代段;

    Six time intervals from the Proterozoic to Quarternary for correlation of sedimento-minerogenetic series ;

  8. 近代以来,启蒙和救亡一直是两大时代主题。

    Since the modern times , enlightenment and salvation have been two key literary themes .

  9. 当然,设计师中的佼佼者,本身就可能成为大时代的传奇之一。

    In all conscious , extraordinary designer could be the legend of era by due .

  10. 前瞻性思维的五大时代观念支持

    Five Ages Idea Support of Prospect Thought

  11. 这是一个中西文明冲撞与融合的大时代。

    This is an era of collision with the integration of Chinese and Western civilization .

  12. 认清大时代精神、新时代精神、现时代精神,是把握马克思主义学理本真精神的逻辑必然;

    To realize the spirit of the time is the logical result of understanding Marxism .

  13. 经济大时代的企业竞争

    Enterprise Competition of Big Economic Age

  14. 这种黑暗也许是一个大时代的国家民族的浩劫,个人只分担了其中的一份。

    The darkness may be a disaster of a nation , everyone taking a small share .

  15. 欧洲列车的前景自从蒸汽大时代以来就一直都没有多少改观。

    The prospects for Europe 's trains have hardly been better since the great age of steam .

  16. 高层建筑空中花园使用后评价研究&以长沙市亚大时代大厦为例

    On Post - occupancy Evaluation of Hanging Gardens in High-rise Buildings & Taking Yada Office Building as a Case

  17. 大时代普通人的生存写照与人文关怀威尔逊很会关照人。

    Concerning the Survival of Ordinary Person ' in a Great Epoch and Giving Humanitarian Care Wilson 's been attentive .

  18. 以非时代主流人物身份叙述大时代主流人物&关于左翼作家确立群体主体性原因的考察

    Great Time Mainstream Figures Recounted by Non-mainstream Writers of the Time & Investigation in the establishment of the left-wing writers

  19. 在广州市番禺区已经感觉厌倦的“大时代”,为什么热敷全方位在北京?

    Panyu in Guangzhou has been feeling tired of the " big times ," Why Fomentation to all directions in Beijing ?

  20. 和平与发展不仅是当今时代的主题,而且是今后历史大时代永恒的期盼。

    Peace and development is not only the present time 's theme , but also the external expectation in the future .

  21. 其中,《大时代》、《妙手仁心》等一批经典电视剧在观众心中留下了难以磨灭的印象。

    Among these TVB brainchildren , the Great Times , Healing Hands and other classics have made indelible impressions on their audience .

  22. 尽管该片讲述的是一个大时代之下小家庭的故事,但时代仅是一个背景。

    Although it reflects on a big era through the story of a small family , the era is only a backdrop .

  23. 在人类社会发展的每一大时代,都存在着最为重要的该时代主导的人文资源和主导的社会生产。

    There are the most important leading humanistic resources and leading social production in every stage of the development of human society .

  24. 正是在这样的大时代背景条件下,作者把土地资源保护与土地可持续利用问题纳入自己的研究视野,从理论和实践两个层面对这一问题进行了详细阐述。

    Just under such a situation , the author puts the problem of land resource protection and land sustainable use into his field .

  25. 白银时代是俄罗斯文化史上由近代向现代转换的大时代,也是一个创作大繁荣的时代。

    Silver Age is a great age when Russian culture turns from modern time to contemporary time and also an age when literature productions flourishes .

  26. 在今年的消费电子展上,我认为真正融合发生的大时代已初见端倪,但不是以我刚刚讲到的那种方式。

    At this year 's CES , I think we started to see real convergence happening big time – but not in the way I just described .

  27. 中国古代文论在大时代的变迁下并非是整体毁灭,而是依照其特有的方式参与和渗透到现当代文论中来。

    Chinese ancient literary theory hasn 't been destroyed in the great era 's vicissitude , but participated in and penetrated in the Chinese modern literary theory .

  28. 大时代背景下的普通民众作为推动历史前进的一员,是如何在历史的长卷描绘属于自己的那一段经历。

    Against the backdrop of ordinary people under the push history forward as a member , is how long scroll depicting the history of that section of their own experience .

  29. 首先,介绍清末动荡不安的大时代背景和妇女解放思潮,以及此段历史对崇明县的影响。

    In the first place , it is introduced the historical background of that turbulent time and the background of women revolution movement and how this period of history affect Chongming .

  30. 经院哲学的大时代乃是十一世纪改革的产物,而这些改革又是对于前一个时期的颓废腐化的反作用。

    The great age of the scholastic philosophy was an outcome of the reforms of the eleventh century , and these , in turn , were a reaction against previous corruption .