
  1. 中医方面,国内现代研究得出,急性缺血中风包括六大中医证候要素,如风证、火证、痰证、气虚证、血瘀证、阴虚证。

    Some domestic researches have shown that syndrome differentiation of ischemic stroke including six major elements of syndrome , such as Wind syndrome , Fire syndrome , Phlegm syndrome , Qi deficiency syndrome , Blood stasis syndrome , Yin deficiency syndrome .

  2. 目前医学成像系统已经被广泛应用于医学临床的诊断,尤其是X射线CT因为其清晰、快速的特点,在各大、中医院得到了广泛应用。

    Medical image system , especially X-ray CT , has been widely used for clinical diagnoses . It is fast and can get high quality image , so it is very popular in many hospitals .

  3. 天大、中医学院、海光寺附近日租、短租房。配有空调、电视、DVD、热水器、厨具、双人床、沙发、茶几,独立卫生间、厨房。

    Equipped with air-conditioning , TV , DVD , water heater , kitchen , double bed , sofa , coffee table , independent bathroom , kitchen .

  4. 雌激素对大鼠中医体质影响的研究

    Study of estrogen on traditional Chinese medicine constitution in rats

  5. 大肠癌中医证侯规律及影响因素的临床研究

    The Regular Research about TCM Syndrome of Colorectal Cancer

  6. 胰岛素抵抗模型大鼠的中医证候研究

    Study on Syndrome Pattern in Insulin Resistant Model Rats

  7. 10种雌性大鼠的中医体质学初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Constitution of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 10 Strains of Female Rats

  8. 结论慢性心衰气虚血瘀证模型大鼠符合中医气虚血瘀证。

    Conclusion The CHF rat model fit greatly for the syndrome of vital energy deficiency and blood stasis of TCM .

  9. 中医药学是我国医学的一大特色,中医理论对解决航天医学问题同样适用。

    Chinese traditional medicine is a major feature of medical , aerospace medicine TCM theory to solve the problem equally applicable .

  10. 研究目的:通过对大骨节病中医相关文献的研究总结出病因病机。

    Objective : Based on the relevant literature of Kaschin-Beck disease ( KBD ) in TCM . to summarize etiology and pathogenesis .

  11. 大肠癌在中医学上属“积聚”、“肠风”、“脏结”、“销肛痔”、“脏毒”等范畴,而无大肠癌之病名。

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine , large carcinoma was considered as " accumulation "," hemorrhoidal hemorrhage "," visceral mass ", and " dysentery ", not named as large carcinoma .

  12. 还必须重视大科学时代中医药人才培养模式,为中医药现代化研究提供充足的人力资源保证。

    We should also attach importance to the mode of training professional talents of Chinese medicine to provide sufficient personnel resources for the research into modernization of Chinese medicine in the major science times .

  13. 结论外源性雌激素对不同性别、年龄大鼠的中医体质(肾阳虚、阴虚火旺、肝郁)有不同影响。

    Conclusion Exogenous estrogen has different effect on traditional Chinese medicine constitution ( deficiency of kidney-Yang , hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency , stagnation of liver-Qi ) in rats of different sex and age .

  14. 慢性溃疡性结肠炎(大瘕泄)中医辨证规范化及实验研究

    Standardization of Differentiation of Syndromes and Experiment Research of Chronic Ulcerative Colitis

  15. 从炎症学说思考糖尿病大血管病变的中医药防治

    Prevention and Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Large Vascular Diseases of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  16. 世界三大传统医学体系中医学、印度医学、希腊阿拉伯医学都形成于亚洲(分别在中国、印度和西亚)。

    The three traditional medicine systems in the world , traditional Chinese medicine , traditional Indian medicine , and traditional Greco-Arabic medicine , all originated from Asia ( China , Indian and Western Asia respectively ) .

  17. 结论:高浓度的Ⅱ型胶原加不完全佐剂给药组是较为理想类风湿关节炎大鼠模型,中医辩证属寒湿痹症,与之相比较,佐剂关节炎模型接近于湿热痹症。

    Conclusion : The group injected with high concentration of type ⅱ collagen and incompleted Freund 's adjuvant is the ideal RA model . It is belonged to the symptom of cold-dampness arthralgia , compared with this model , the AA approaches the symptom of heat-dampness arthralgia .