
  1. 这个人脑子里自导自演了一场浪漫滑稽剧。

    The man 's got a real-life Harlequin romance in his head .

  2. 到底是谁在自导自演?

    In the end who is a self-speech ?

  3. 所以你自导自演这次自杀行动

    So this whole charade was a suicide mission

  4. 几户人家点起了煤油灯,昏黄的火苗把人的影子放大数倍地映在土坯墙上,摇摇晃晃地自导自演着皮影戏。

    Several houses lit the kerosene lamps up and the dim flames cast some shapes trambling on the wall .

  5. 他喜欢看关于旧时的孤胆英雄的书,他也写故事并自导自演。

    He loved reading books about the brave heroes of the old times , and wrote stories and plays about them .

  6. 他的名声不断败坏,还得了一个“怪人杰克”的绰号,但这一切都是他自导自演的。

    He grew to despise his reputation as " Wacko Jacko , " but this curse was largely of his own making .

  7. 现在,41岁的吴京自导自演的《战狼》终于有电影填补了这一空白。

    But now , Wolf Warriors , directed by and starring Wu Jing , 41 , has begun to fill that void .

  8. 有传言称此次泄露事件可能由该公司自导自演以期引起媒体对该电影的大肆炒作,华纳兄弟公司对此反应快速,迅速辟谣。

    Warner Bros moved swiftly to dismiss rumours that the leak may have been a stage-managed tactic to generate media buzz around the picture .

  9. 多兰是来自加拿大魁北克的电影制作人。2009年,刚满20岁的他就在戛纳电影节上展播了自己自编自导自演的作品《我杀了我妈妈》。

    The Quebecois filmmaker had just turned 20 when he presented his first directorial effort , I Killed My Mother , at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival .

  10. 接着我宣称自己是故意摔倒的因为我实在想不出什么笑话来作开场白,所以自导自演了这一出闹剧。

    I then professed the fall to have been deliberate I could think of no joke with which to start my speech so had gone for slapstick instead .

  11. 也许阅读本书的最佳方式是,大声朗读,无论是自导自演,或是和你的同伴一起。

    Perhaps the best way to read this book is to read it aloud , as you might with a play , to yourself or with your friends .

  12. 为了重拾往昔的荣耀,这位高傲的演员打算自编自导自演一场舞台剧来证明自己的表演实力。

    The egotistical actor struggles to regain his former glory and to prove himself as a real performing artist by writing , directing and starring in a theater play .

  13. 关于这一点,邓超首次自导自演的《分手大师》就是明证,这部电影改编自四年前他担任制作人的同名话剧。

    And the latest evidence is his first directorial attempt in The Breakup Guru , a film adaptation of a stage play by the same title , which Deng was the producer of about four years ago .

  14. 去年她自导自演一部独特的纪实风《脆弱的心》,与她现实生活中同样闷骚得很可爱的男朋友迈克尔·塞拉合作,证明了自己的才华。

    Last year , she proved herself more than just a bit player by co-writing and starring in Paper Heart , a hybrid documentary / fictional love story ( with Michael Cera as her awkwardly adorable boyfriend ) .

  15. 二十年后,人到中年的汤姆森已经完全被粉丝遗忘。为了重拾往昔的荣耀,这位高傲的演员打算自编自导自演一场舞台剧来证明自己的表演实力。

    After two decades , the middle aged Thomson has almost been forgotten by fans . The egotistical actor struggles to regain his former glory and to prove himself as a real performing artist by writing , directing and starring in a theater play .

  16. Barbra是第一位在好莱坞主流电影Yentl中自编、自导、自演的女性。

    She was the first woman to write , produce , direct , and star in a mainstream Hollywood film : Yentl .

  17. 本文是关于贵州省雷山县一部由当地苗族自编、自导、自演的苗语电视剧的调研报告。

    In Leishan county of Guizhou , local Miao people write , direct and play a TV play about their own life .