
  • 网络schooner;ketch
  1. 在那个春天的午后,魏斐德和我在伯克利聊了有两个小时,我们谈了他们家庭的冒险故事以及双桅纵帆船在那个危险的珊瑚礁群搁浅时的情景。

    On that spring afternoon in Berkeley , Fred and I talked for two hours about his family 's adventure , about its climax when the ketch ran aground on shoals in the same perilous archipelago .

  2. 这艘富有创意的超级游艇是设计师洛阿诺和奈吉尔·吉智慧的结晶。它一开始只是印在餐巾上的粗糙的双桅纵帆船。

    The innovative superyacht was the brainchild of Lobanov Design and BMT Nigel Gee , and it began as a rough sketch on a napkin .