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  • 网络Yue Jiu
  1. 相反,你只要跟着顶级音乐主持人和现场表演好好享受摇滚乐就行了。

    Instead , just enjoy a boogie to top DJs and live acts .

  2. 我听见我的儿女们按真理而行,我的喜乐就没有比这个大的。

    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth .

  3. 摇滚乐就不同,它表达的是对社会、友谊甚至战争的真实的感情。

    Rock music , on the other hand , expresses true feelings about society , friendship and even war .

  4. 如果是摇滚乐就跳迪斯科,如果是抒情音乐就跳芭蕾舞。

    If it 's rock music I 'll do disco , and if it 's romantic music I 'll do ballet .

  5. 他跟我说,他是在墨西哥度假的时候看的这本书,看着看着嘻哈乐就开始“从书本里冒出来了”——很少有人看我的传记看出这个效果。

    He told me that while he had been reading the book on vacation in Mexico , hip-hop songs started " rising off the page " " - not a typical reaction to one of my biographies .

  6. 接着就是油炸、冷却,“登登登…”香喷喷的麦乐鸡就ok了。

    Then flash fry , freeze and voila !

  7. 犹大随即到耶稣跟前来,说,拉比,愿你喜乐!就热切地和他亲嘴。

    And immediately he came to Jesus and said , rejoice , rabbi , and kissed him affectionately .

  8. 他为了摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的痛苦。

    He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards .

  9. 周三早晨卡托挣脱了狗链跑出去玩,它出门不久,达乐超市就遭到了抢劫。

    Wednesday morning , Cato got off his leash and took off . And not long after his escape , the Dollar General store on South Broad Street was robbed .

  10. 饶舌乐很快就成为一种创意竞争。

    Rap soon became a form of creative competition .

  11. 约贰11因为对他说,愿你喜乐的,就在他的恶行上有分。

    Jn.11 for he who says to him , rejoice , shares in his evil works .

  12. 又要以耶和华为乐,他就将你心里所求的赐给你。

    Take delight in the lord , and he will give you the desires of your heart .

  13. 我只是把演戏当作好玩的职业,想在我做些严肃的事情之前乐一阵子,就在我刚想退出时,《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》出名了。

    " Here I was in this joke job of acting , thinking it 'd be a laugh before I did something more serious , and just as I was about to get out , Four Weddings and a funeral happened " .

  14. 一个人乐过头,他就偏向于阳;

    If a man experiences excessive joy , he will lean towards Yang ( the positive pole ) .

  15. 灵魂的问题要是能像灵魂乐那样容易归类就好了。奇怪的是,在某一方面,我同意达芬奇的说法。

    It 's so much easier to limit soul to a category of music.But oddly I 'm with Da Vinci in one respect .

  16. 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。

    As he took pleasure in cursing , so let it come on him ; and as he had no delight in blessing , let it be far from him .

  17. 我之前在听“玩旷课乐吧”时就发现,这首歌的副歌部分包含了,连续的不和谐歌词,因此我说“不行”

    And now " Get Crunk ," as I was aware from having heard it before , involves the consistent refrain of " Get crunk " Extremely bad word ," Get crunk " Extremely bad word , and so I said " No. "

  18. 摇滚乐自从朋克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk .

  19. 思想品德课上,要使学生乐学教师乐教,就必须运用多种手段。

    In moral education class , various approaches must be used in order to make students learn happily and teachers teach happily .

  20. 乐师是这一乐种的载体,没有乐师,这一乐种就失去了它赖以生存的基础。

    Musicians are carrier of this music , without musicians , this music will lose its basis for survival .