
  • 网络musical education;music education
  1. 孔子乐教的理论与实践对于当代美育的意义

    On Significance of the Theory and Practice of Confucian Musical Education to Contemporary Aesthetics

  2. 戏曲教育滥觞于原始宗教歌舞,在乐教传统的丰富和滋养下,于唐教坊中孕育出了完整的形态。

    With the enrichment and nourishment of traditional musical education , it developed the complete form in the Imperial Music Office of Tang Dynasty .

  3. 思想品德课乐教乐学途径探索

    Exploring the Approaches of Happy Teaching and Happy Learning in Moral Education Class

  4. 传统乐教思想的核心内容是和谐。

    " Harmony " thinking is the traditional core of the music teaching ideas .

  5. 论孔子的乐教思想

    On the Musical Pedagogy of Confucius

  6. 儒家乐教与中国艺术精神&徐复观《中国艺术精神》读后

    Confucian Musical Cultivation Chinese Art Spirit

  7. 他在美学上的最大的贡献就在于他的美育,不论从诗教、乐教或艺术教育来看,孔子都是中国最早具有原创性的美学家。

    Confucius is the first original aesthetician through poem education , music education and art education .

  8. 先秦礼教与乐教之关系及地位变迁考

    Developments of the Relationship between Rite and Music and Their Political Education Status in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  9. 乐教是理解儒家精神不可忽视的重要方面。

    Music education was an important aspect not to be neglected in understanding the spirit of Confucianism .

  10. 先秦乐教思想及其对当下音乐教育的启示

    The Study on the Music Educational Thought during Pre-Qin Period and It 's Enlightenment to Present Music Education

  11. 他还提倡道德教化要寓教于乐,把乐教作为道德教化的辅助形式。

    He also advocated moral education to be entertaining , the music teaching aid as a form of moral education .

  12. 我国古代历来重视乐教、诗教,尤以孔子为代表。

    Our country always has paid more attention to music teaching , the poetry teaching , and regarded Confucius as representative particularly .

  13. 乐教与养蒙之道&王阳明论音乐教育及其在蒙学教育中的重要作用孔子的乐教观及其对当代艺术教育的启示

    The Education of Music and The Way of Enlightenment to Children Confucius ' Viewpoint on Aesthetic Education and Its Enlightenment on Contemporary Art Education

  14. 中国素以礼乐之邦而著称,有着悠久的乐教传统,是世界上音乐教育起源最早的国家之一。

    It has a longstanding tradition of musical education , and it is one of those countries with the earliest origin of musical education .

  15. 该文通过对孔子乐教的美育实践进行研究,阐述古代教育实践和教育思想两方面作为审美教育之于今天的意义。

    By studying aesthetic practice of Confucian musical education , the paper expounds contemporary significance of ancient educational thought and practice as aesthetic education .

  16. 反对只重形式和技艺的学习,把体验和陶冶情感作为乐教的重心。

    He disapproves of learning focusing only on forms and skills , but takes experiencing and emotion nurturing as the core of aesthetic education .

  17. 总之教师要以广博的知识体系,古文乐教的精神,完成传道授业的任务。

    In short , the teachers should use the broad knowledge system , the spirit of the happiness to finish the task in the teaching .

  18. 学校以“勤奋、求实、健美、乐教”为校训,积累了丰厚而独特的校园文化。

    Our school motto is " Hard working , truth seeking , fit keeping and delighted teaching " . It contains rich and unique campus culture .

  19. 乐教是儒家“六艺”教育的重要组成部分,也是进行道德教化的重要手段。

    Music education is an important part of the education of'six arts'in the Confucian school and also an important method to carry out the moral education .

  20. 在中国传统思想资源里,儒家传统中的乐而不淫,哀而不伤的乐教思想,对中国全整的艺术精神做出了应有贡献。

    In fact , as a mainstream of Chinese traditional culture , Confucianism also makes great contributions to Chinese transcendent spirit of art and harmonious lives in reality .

  21. 这些舞蹈和六大舞一样,也是用作教育贵族子弟的教材,成为乐教的重要内容。

    Just as the Six Major Dances , the Six Minor Dances were also composed for educating young nobles and formed an important part of the music education .

  22. 探寻如何把传统乐教运用于高校思想政治教育之中,积累经验创新新的方法、形式。

    Exploring how to make use the music thoughts of Chinese traditional education in the thoughtful and political education , and how to accumulate the experience and innovate a new way and style .

  23. 在工作中,发挥思想政治工作的优势,建立健全思想政治工作网络,使教师乐教,使学生愿学。

    At work , he should take advantage of political and ideological work and build a perfect network of political and ideological work , let the teachers like teaching and students like study .

  24. 唐代文教政策开明,乐教形式多样,致使这一时期的音乐教习形式及音乐场所的发展达到了顶峰。

    Because the enlightened cultural and educational policy in Tang Dynasty , plenty of forms of music education , the development of music education and music site reached its peak in this period .

  25. 孔子的乐教观是孔子教育思想的重要组成部分,蕴含深邃而广博的智慧,对25个世纪之后的当代艺术教育仍有着深刻的启示。

    Confucius ' viewpoint on aesthetic education is an important component of his educational ideology which embodies broad and profound wisdom . It still deeply enlightens contemporary aesthetic education 25 centuries after his days .

  26. 孔子美育思想是中国古代丰厚文化的积淀,蕴含着美与善的统一、完美人格的培养、诗教与乐教的渗透等美育理论。

    Confucian doctrine on aesthetic education , containing such theories as the unity of the beautiful and the good , training of perfect personality , mingling poetry education with music education , is a profuse cultural collection of ancient China .

  27. 因此中国传统乐教中的音乐思想,对高校开展思想政治教育起到了的积极辅助作用,本文主要通过以下内容进行探讨:1、梳理中国传统乐教中突出的音乐思想。

    So , the thoughts of the traditional music education makes a positive assistance to the thoughtful and political education of the colleges . This paper explores the subject from the followings : 1 . Selecting the main music thoughts of Chinese traditional education .

  28. 我国古代乐教的实质是礼乐教育,它的价值是辅德辅政,它的地位是礼的附庸,正是它的地位的不独立性,秦汉以后,终究被主宰它的礼所吞没;

    Principles and Practice of Creative Education in the Middle School Course of Morality and Politics The essence of music education in ancient China was music - ceremony education , and its value was in morality and politics and its position was an appendage of the ceremony .

  29. 思想品德课上,要使学生乐学教师乐教,就必须运用多种手段。

    In moral education class , various approaches must be used in order to make students learn happily and teachers teach happily .