
  1. 农村税费改革必须突破黄宗羲定律的怪圈

    Breaking HUANG Zong-xi 's law to Conduct Reform in tax and Fee in Rural Areas

  2. 如何避免重蹈“黄宗羲定律”的陷阱?

    How to avoid falling into the pitfall " huang zhongxi 's law " again ?

  3. 然而创造性会计自会计诞生之日起一直影随其发展,并且不断演绎道魔相争的符合“黄宗羲定律”的历程,破坏了信息的可靠性。

    However , creative accounting which follows the development of accounting from its birth has contentiously performed Huangzongxi Theory , which undermines the reliability of accounting information .