
  1. 无论你在生在何处长在何处,总有那么几个话题地球人都爱讨论。

    Wherever you live , wherever you were born , there are some subjects that everyone on earth likes to talk about .

  2. 我打电话给我老师了他是这么说滴:关于爱,可以讨论一下的问题,如果谈论别人的爱呢?

    With regard to love , to talk about or talk about a problem , if talking about someone else love it ?

  3. 你试图和你爱的人讨论这个话题,想着也许其他人的意见能帮助你顺风顺水地找到解决方法。

    You try to talk out the issue with your loved ones , thinking maybe another perspective can help you hallelujah your way to a solution .

  4. 我爱葡萄酒,请讨论分享!

    I Love Wine , Please Share Your View !

  5. 但同时,我不会让我的生活充满爵士乐,不会穿他们爱穿的,也不会讨论他们爱讨论的。

    But in the same time I don 't dedicate my life to jazz , wear what the jazz people do , talk the way jazz people talk .