
  1. 然而,这个充满甜蜜和爱情的节日来历,却很黑暗、血腥——还有点混乱。

    But the origins of this festival of candy and cupids are actually dark , bloody - and a bit muddled .

  2. 罗马人的生育图腾与爱情情人节与罗马的生育图腾节日“卢帕卡尼亚”有着一定的联系。

    Fertility and Love Among the Romans The holiday of romance has roots in an ancient Roman fertility rite known as the Lupercalia .

  3. 还相互寄送表达爱情的情人节卡片。

    and send each other Valentine 's Day cards that tell of their love .

  4. 戈麦斯的这首爱情颂歌的第一节似乎就提及了他们长期的分离。

    The first verse of Gomez 's love anthem seemed to reference their extended time apart .

  5. 朋友们,肥肥的爱情信使说情人节就满满的都是爱

    Folks , from the chubby messenger of love himself that Valentine 's Day is about love .