
  1. 但你却能体会到爱注入到万物之中的甜蜜。

    But you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything .

  2. 这份爱超越了万物生长

    This Love that seeming great beyond the power of growth

  3. 固然神所爱者早死,万物莫不如此,但是他们也断然因此与神一起永生。

    For that the favorites of the gods die early , is true in all things ; but it is just as certain that they then live eternally with the gods .

  4. 有爱的天空就会湛蓝,有爱的秋风会孕育着喜悦,有爱的大地也会深情的呼吸,有爱的万物都会充满生机。

    Love makes the sky azure , the autumn breeze pleasing , the earth breathing affectionate and all things full of life .