
  1. 李颀研究

    Research for Li Qi

  2. 第三章论述了李颀诗歌风格形成的原因,分为三节。

    The third chapter analyses the cause of the formation of his styles and it is divided into three sections .

  3. 有鉴于此,本文把高适、岑参、李颀、王昌龄四位诗人作为一个群体,主要结合他们交往僧侣、接触佛教的事实,分析佛教义理对他们诗歌创作的影响,探寻他们的佛教意趣。

    In view of this , this thesis views four poets as a colony , combine they associate monk , exposed to fact of Buddhism , seek their Buddhism interest and charm mainly , and analyse that pays attention to the impact on their poetry creation in Buddhism religious doctrine .