
  • 网络Ricardian equivalence;Ricardo equivalence;Barro-Ricardian Equivalence
  1. 由于财政状况良好,亚洲较少出现经济学家所称的李嘉图等价(Ricardianequivalence)现象。

    Because fiscal positions were sound , there was less of what economists call Ricardian equivalence .

  2. 李嘉图等价的争论及政策建议

    Argument on ricardian equivalence and policy suggestions

  3. 李嘉图等价定理是评价财政赤字效果的重要因素之一。

    Ricardian Equivalence Rule is an important factor which is used to evaluate fiscal deficit effect .

  4. 关于李嘉图等价定理的争论

    Controversies over Ricardian Equivalence Theorem

  5. 在有关论述政府债务经济效应的理论中,李嘉图等价定理提出了和凯恩斯主义不同的观点。

    Among the theory about the economic effect of the public debt , Ricardo Equivalence Theorem offers a different viewpoint from Keynes .

  6. 第二章主要是针对凯恩斯的总需求理论和李嘉图等价命题,对我国积极财政政策的有效性进行了理论分析和实证检验。

    Chapter 2 mainly gives theoretical analysis and empirical research to effectiveness of active fiscal policy on the basis of Keynesian gross-demand theory and Ricardian Equivalence Proposition .

  7. 研究公债的经济影响时,人们常以李嘉图等价定理作为分析问题的出发点。

    When We Study the Impact of Premium Bonds upon Economy , We often Take David Ricardo ′ s Equal Value Theoremas the Point of Departure for Analysing the Above Problems .

  8. 关于公债的经济效应有两种经典的论述,这就是李嘉图的等价定理和凯恩斯的公债拉动总需求的观点。

    There are two classical expositions about the economic utility of bonds : David Ricardo 's " theorem of equal value " and Keynes ' view of bonds increasing general demands .