
  1. 这令人瞠目结舌的特技,其实是他的“基本操作”:李发彬在之前的比赛中也展示过这个动作,其中就包括2017年的亚洲举重锦标赛。

    Li has pulled off the move before at competitions , including at the 2017 Asian championships .

  2. 金鸡独立是李发彬的一项特殊技能,他说这个动作能在杠铃将要失去平衡时帮自己调整重心。

    The " flamingo " is a specialty for Li , who said it helps him correct his balance if a lift is in danger of going wrong .

  3. 外媒详细描述了“金鸡独立”的惊险一幕:李发彬在61公斤级比赛的挺举中,竟抬起右腿,单脚独立,举起了166公斤的杠铃,这可快接近他体重的3倍了。

    Li stood on one leg while lifting 166kg – nearly three times his own body weight – with his right leg sticking out in his opening clean and jerk in the men 's 61kg category .

  4. 25日,李发彬释放了内心的火烈鸟,以一个清奇站姿夺取了奥运举重金牌。

    Li Fabin embraced his inner flamingo with a unique stance on the way to winning Olympic gold in weightlifting on Sunday .

  5. 28岁的李发彬向来以“金鸡独立”的特殊举重技能闻名,他一脚悬空,平衡力超群,举起313公斤的总重量,抓举和挺举表现都令人惊叹。

    The 28-year-old , known for his unique " flamingo " lifting technique in which he raises one leg for superior balance , scored a total of 313kg after impressive snatch and clean and jerk performances .

  6. 李发彬在61公斤级比赛的挺举中,竟抬起右腿,单脚独立,举起了166公斤的杠铃,这可快接近他体重的3倍了。

    Li stood on one leg while lifting 166kg - nearly three times his own body weight - with his right leg sticking out in his opening clean and jerk in the men 's 61kg category .

  7. 虽然这个姿势看起来像是在对评委大秀实力,但李发彬实际上是在借此动作调整偏移的重心,他常常在感觉杠铃歪了的时候做这个动作。

    While the stance looked like he was flexing his strength for the judges , Li was actually using the move to correct his balance , something he does when he feels like there is a chance the lift can go wrong .